The Blush Challenge

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Monday mornings are dredgeful, but since I was on a little vacation I decided to hit the gym. Staying in shape was literally my biggest worry, its hard when there is so many good foods out there.

Before I went to the gym, I got dressed in a sports bra and leggings jogging to a coffee shop with a face mask. Hopefully not many people will recognize who I am or I'll be signing a lot if autographs.


"Small latte with skim milk please." I looked to my side hearing someone order my same exact drink. My eyes widen seeing the group I preformed with Saturday night.

Jackson grinned. "You and leader have the same interest for drinks. Fate!"

I glanced at Jaebum placing my face mask below my chin as we received our orders. "Good choice. What are you guys doing here?"

"We've come here since we debut. Its one of our favorite places!" Jinyoung smiled.

"Going to the gym or something?" Mark questioned as he motioned me to come sit with them.

I nodded taking a sip of my latte. "Must stay in shape even if I'm free the next two months. Ya know?"

"You don't need to, you are already really pretty." Jaebum mumbled as he stuck his straw in his mouth.

"Jinjja? Thanks so much, I-"


We all turned around seeing a gorgeous barbie like girl, the right amount of curves with the right amount of make up. She was stunning, I was so jealous of her!

She ran over to Jaebum smacking her lips on his. My eyes widen as he looked at me, it was almost as if he was guilty for kissing in front of me. I did feel a bit of jealousy run through me as if I saw my boyfriend kiss another girl. What the hell?

"Min, what are you doing here?" Even his voice sounded guilty.

"I wanted to visit it you, silly!" She stopped turning to me when she gasped realizing who I was. "YOU ARE NANA! I'M SUCH A BIG FAN TRULY YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION!"

I chuckled awkwardly looking from Jaebum to her. "Please, call me Leena. What's your name?"

"Omo, she wants to know my name. I'm Kang Min Ra, but please call me Min!" She said excitedly.

"Jaebum, why didn't you tell me your girlfriend was a fan?" I said. His eyes landed on mine, they were filled with depression and guilt.

He stayed silent as Min sat up from his lap taking my hand. "Its been a pleasure, I hope we can talk again! Bye unni!"

When she left I turned to the table. "Is she younger than me?!"

"She is twenty, Noona." Yugyeom and the rest laughed.

"I could have given her tickets for a concert or something, why didn't you tell me your girlfriend was a fan?" I said placing my hand on Jaebum's. We both looked up at each other, his hands were so big but felt safe.

"Honestly, forgot I had a girlfriend that night until Jackson said something." All his members looked at him realizing what he said.

Mark smacked his head. "Jinjja!? Why is that?"

"Because be was blown away by Leena's beauty!" Youngjae teased.

My cheeks felt warm when Bambam leaned over. "Noona, are you blushing?"

"Of course I am, you guys think I'm beautiful." I teased back trying to turn the conversation around.

"You blushed cause you think JB Hyung thinks you are pretty!" Jackson laughed clapping his hands.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now