Casting Love Interest

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"Aniyo! We are not doing-"

"Leena, you must go with it. Its a contract and it will cause so much love from fans, and people will be freaking out wanting more. Come on." My manager said giving me a fake smile.

Sigh, he wants me to be dating one of the members of GOT7 or at least be flirtatious with that member so people will ship it. Since we would both be idols people are okay with it more since they understand it rather than a regular person.

"Which member do you guys have in mind?" Jaebum asked raising his eyebrows at JYP and my manager.

"We thought it could be the leader, but then we thought about Mark being the oldest. We can't seem to figure out who we want. Leena, how about you?" JYP answered.

Before I could even part my lips, Min who doesn't even need to be here raised her hand giving me a subtle wink. "I think it should be Jinyoung! He gets a lot of attention from girls, but I have seen people shipping them from their preformance."

She got up and showed them on her phone, we all looked and it was completely true. Jinyoung and I were Twitter's and Instagram's number one fan ship as we speak. But I was mainly singing with Jaebum that night, then we noticed I was shipped with every single member of GOT7.

"Then that will be it. Would you rather be dating in the show or be flirty?" Manager-nim said as he was writing down notes on the paper.

Jinyoung and I exchanged looks, he turned a shade of pink but smiled. "We can just be flirty for now, don't want to anger some fans. That way it can look more real if its decided we 'date' in the show."

"Perfect idea, kid. Leena, can you act?" JYP looked at me then to Jinyoung as if he wanted us to act a scene out.

"Manager is this really-"

"I want to see if you've improved. Try it out now."

Without looking at him I nodded, I could feel eyes on me. I truly wanted to punch Min in the face right now, for being here opening her mouth and being all over Jaebum. Does he not have a backbone to break up with her for cheating or did he just use me? He seems to be okay with her here and isn't acting funny, he's totally using me! That night I thought I felt something special, but clearly it was something of my imagination.

Sure the guys knew about Jaebum's night with me, some didn't care and the others were a little weirded out. But luckily they didn't change their views on me which is what I was concerned about the most, so I sighed. When I looked up at Jinyoung I got nervous, he was a great actor since Dream High 2 and then in Dream Knight. He gave me a small smile then cleared his throat getting into character.

We sat down in the chairs beside each other while smiling, I was feeling awkward already so I had that part down as I was blushing. He sat his hand on my upper thigh and looked into my eyes with a grin.

"Nana, you look really pretty today. Although, you look pretty every day." He started.

"Omo, jinjja? I just like to look nice for the guy I like-" I stopped covering my mouth making it look like I was embarrassed. "I mean, I just like looking nice."

He chuckled patting my head. "Aish, you are so cute. What am I going to do with you when you live with us?"

I smiled and looked passed him to see the guys all interested, even Min was in tune with us like we were a drama. But Jaebum looked away the entire time, as if he was bored maybe it was weird for me to sleep with him then to flirt with his friend.

"Me cute? As if, I wish I could be as pretty as Hyuna or Ailee. They are gorgeous, I'm just plain looking." Which I felt was true, those two girls were literally my inspiration in my life, without them I would have never wanted to become an idol.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now