Beach Trip

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Almost two months have passed since I've been doing the reality show with the boys and since I've been dating Donghae. He was everything I dreamed of honestly, sweet, kind, handsome and most of all he treated me right. But when I was with him, all I would think about was Jaebum like some kind of cheater. I tried talking to Kumi about it last weekend but all she did was cry because her boyfriend dumped her for another girl so of course I had to be there for her. 

To cheer her up, I invited her to a special day with GOT7 for a show at the beach where we were all going to hang out. Of course she didn't hesitate to say yes so she could see her all time favorite band, it was good she was getting out instead of thinking of that ex boyfriend of hers. Aish, here I was worrying about my best friends worries over mine because I felt like I had to protect her more than myself. 

We all arrived to the beach and the hotel that was next door, JYP and my manager both planned on us all staying at the hotel. This would be one of the episodes where Jinyoung was going to let me knows how he feels about me with a kiss. So yeah, I have to be kissed by him which was terrible. Not because he isn't a good person, but because Jaebum will have to 'catch' us in the act so to speak. Sometimes I wish I never agreed to the reality show, but other times I love it because I got to know these wonderful guys.

"Omo, Leena! Look at our room, its so roomy!" Kumi squealed as she jumped on the bed, as she just threw her suitcase on the ground. 

Laughing at her, I carefully places my suitcase on my bed and took off my over shirt revealing my white bikini top. Kumi looked over at me and her mouth dropped as she examined my entire body from head to toe.

"What are you staring at?" I questioned.

"Your body is like perfect, not too skinny and not too big. I'm so jealous! I'm too skinny, look you can see my ribs!" She groaned as she took off her shirt revealing her stomach.

She was right, her ribs did show but we both knew that was because of a disorder she had. Anorexia is something that is pretty common with girls, especially when they are bullied through high school. But ever since then she hasn't been able to gain much weight and hasn't been able to eat much. 

"Come on, you are beautiful. Lets go get you new arm candy." I motioned for her to follow me as we walked out to the beach. 

It was crowded but they were mostly adults in their early forties late thirties, so it wasn't like people were going to freak out much about us. Sure there was a few people who wanted my picture taken or autograph, but it was totally okay cause they weren't crazy.

The guys finally caught up to us, luckily we had put our shirts back on because I am afraid to see their reactions for me let alone Kumi. I know they wouldn't judge her, but she can be pretty sensitive with it.

"Leena, I can't take it off." She tugged on my shirt as the guys sat next to us on the towels, I smiled.

"Lets do it at the same time, alright? One, two-" On the count of three we both stripped making the guys all stare at us. 

It was obvious she was uncomfortable until Youngjae stood up with her taking her hand. "Want to go swim with me?"

"Sure.." She blushed biting the corner of her bottom lip as the went into the water, I don't swim on the other hand. Too many dirty things in that water, not my style so I just bath in the sun and read my book.

All of them went to go play in the water except Jaebum who said he didn't feel like swimming just yet so he stayed with me. It was awkward for a little bit, me in a bathing suit with him shirtless on the beach. All I could think of was the night we both got drunk and stayed in the hotel over night- BAD! I have a boyfriend now, even though we aren't exactly talking for the last few days. He's been really busy.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now