A Night With GOT7

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It was around midnight I decided to leave my friends house because her boyfriend came over, she told me to take a cab but I didn't feel like it. I just wanted to walk home tonight and enjoy the nice weather we had for once. Sometimes I completely forget I am an idol because when I'm alone I think of that girl I used to be in high school. The nerd that everyone made fun of for having glasses and braces. 

"OMG! Is that Nana!?" 

I turned around seeing a few girls screaming, they started to run towards me so I ran away. Of all things, this is the least thing I wanted to happen. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans so much to the point my manager would get mad at me for taking pictures with all of them. But I look like crap right now and I have a major headache, not something I want to deal with right now. 

Who knows, they could be sasaeng's for all I know! The faster I ran the faster they started to catch up to me, luckily I saw the JYP Entertainment building, thank god JYP and I get along. Without thinking twice I ran up to the guard who let me in and blocked the fans from coming in behind me. The guard told me to wait it out but they called more people and more fans started to show up begging for me to come out. 

Looks like its going to be a long night, I decided to walk around and texted my manager telling him I was in the JYP building because of crazy fans. He told me to stay until they go home, thanks captain obvious. 

'Never ever~
Never going let you go~
dasi neoreul tteonaji ana geokjeonghajima~ 
Baby you're mine mine mine~

I love that song! Its really new but I've heard it on the radio and every time I jam out, I even knew the lyrics by heart! I followed the sound of the music to a dance studio seeing seven boys dancing and singing to the song. GOT7 sings this song!? What are they doing here so late though? 

"Noona?" Bambam stopped dancing once he saw me making the others stop as well. Of all groups, I run into the one I didn't want to see. Well, I just didn't want to see their leader after insulting Donghae and trying to tell him I like him.

"Hey, whats up?" I scratch the back of my head awkwardly. Honestly, I wanted to go crawl in a corner and cover my face, it was bare without any make up and my hair was simply in a messy bun. 

They turned off their music and faced me, a few faces looked shocked. I scrunched my face and covered it as Youngjae tilted his head. "Why are you covering your face?"

"Because I'm blinding you with my ugliness, I wasn't expecting to show up, mian."

It became silent for a minute then the studio room burst into laughter, Mark came up to me taking my arm down away from my face making me face them. 

"You aren't ugly, Leena. We were just shocked at how pretty you looked without it is all." He reassured me. 

My eyes rolled. "As if, you are just being nice to me so you wont hurt my feelings now."

"Noona, what are you doing here? And so late?" Yugyeom finally asked the million dollar question, they all looked at their phones seeing how late it really was and all started murmuring the same thing.

"Oh, some fans were chasing me. Didn't want to take the chance if they were bad or not so I ran. I was at my friends house, she told me take a taxi but I felt like walking. It was nice out." I gave them a smile. 

They all glanced at each other then took my phone out of my hands, before I could question it Jaebum covered my mouth with his hand. "We are giving you our numbers, if you walk alone late at night text us. We will walk you home."

Aw, how cute. They were being so sweet and protective, but a hand over my mouth really irritates me so I licked it making him take a step back. "I don't like people touching me on the face."

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now