The Night Before World Tour

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Two months went by ever so fast, it was time for my world tour. I had already talked about it with my manager, he told me since I was still a noob that this was gold. He said I would be stupid to not take this opportunity and make myself even bigger and known to other countries. So of course I couldn't decline it because it will make my career sky rocket, and that's exactly what I need to become as big as Ailee or BoA. 

Over the last two months Jaebum and I have been together, making our relationship work as much as we can. Even though they are busy most of the time, always doing fan signs, doing concerts all the time. But it made my proud of them, they are becoming just as big as EXO in a matter of three years. 

"Yo, Leena." I heard Amber say my name behind as I smiled.

"Yo, Amber." I mimicked her making her laugh. We both knew english better than most here in SM Entertainment, but she was better since she was born in America. 

She hugged me. "Good luck with your tour, fighting."

"Fighting!" We both made fist and laughed. Almost the entire SM family has said good luck to me, even Donghae which was a little surprising. 

Kumi on the other hand was devastated that I was going to be leaving Korea and going to Hong Kong first. She wanted to go, but of course she knew she can't. Tonight was my last night in Korea and tomorrow afternoon I would leave for China. So therefore I was going to have a little party with the boys and Kumi to see them all one last time. 

While I walked through the building I bumped into Suho and some of the guys from EXO. He smiled at me giving me a thumbs up.

"World tours are great, trust us. You will have so much fun, and see so much." He assured me.

"Its awesome, really!" Xiumin laughed.

I smiled. "Thanks guys, don't cause too much trouble while I'm gone. At least wait for me to join the fun. Especially you, Baekhyun."

He grinned as we all laughed giving each other hugs. I was going to miss this place, it was like my home. But to think I am going to see thousands of fans all around the world making them happy makes m heart melt. I hope they like me when they see me live, honestly its a big worry of mine. 

And the other thing I am worried about is Jaebum. We are going to be away from each other even longer which makes my heart nearly break. It was going to be about sixth months in total that I will be away, but on the plus side I have a few concerts in Seoul about half way through. Although, he could be busy..

Aish, all we do is argue a lot because when we get together something comes up. But we make it up to one another one way or another. As I finished my business in SM, Kumi picked me up to drive me over to the guys dorm since we were getting together. The entire way she kept talking about how much she is going to miss me and how her brother is going to be the death of her. I was going to miss these talks with her, they sometimes help me more than she could imagine.

When we arrived, lots of staff members and other bands congratulated me as we walked in. Twice, Day6, and even 2PM said how they wish me good luck. It was great being recognized by all these amazing artist, there isn't a single one who wasn't an inspiration. 

Kumi knocked on the door as we got up to the floor the guys were on, we could hear yelling from the other side making us giggle. The door flung open revealing a shirtless Jackson with wide eyes, looks like he just got out of the shower. 

"Leena, Kumi you guys are early-" He was stopped by Kumi landing a kiss on him. 

That's my best friend, dating the heart throb Jackson Wang of GOT7 in secret. He grinned kissing her back while wrapping one arm around her waist while holding a towel with his other. As they were kissing it was starting to get uncomfortable so I cleared my throat making them back up as she giggled.

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