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Jaebum held my hand as we were sneaking up to the dorm, he told me that the guys usually sleep in so we could get in no problem. Once he unlocked the door he pulled me in slightly then stopped making me bump into his back.

"Yah, Jaebum-" I stopped seeing six people standing in their pajamas while standing in front of the couch. I quickly let go of his hand making me look down at me but glanced back at his friends.

A small laugh left Jackson's lips but Mark smacked him making him go back to a serious face, Jaebum tilted his head. Yugyeom then looked at the others as they nodded to him, he stepped up taking my hand and pulled me away from Jaebum. At first he tried grabbing my hand but once Youngjae cleared his throat he stopped.

"Sneaking in like teenagers." Mark went first as Yugyeom pulled me to the couch keep me separate from Jaebum who sat in the chair on the other side. 

Why did I get this feeling like I was being yelled at by my parents, it was weird seeing them all glaring at both of us. Bambam gave me a cup of tea and gave one to Jaebum as we looked away from the guys.

"What happened last night?" Jinyoung sounded irritated, then I remembered he confessed to me the other day. Wait, was that real or fake? Must be fake considering he knows I like Donghae, right?

"Aish, what is this!? I am the leader and-" Mark glared at Jaebum being the oldest and he sat down instantly. "Nothing happened last night. Fans caught us, we stayed at Kumi's."

I nodded in agreement until Youngjae passed me his phone showing an article. My eyes widen as so did Jaebum's who was reading the same article on Jackson's phone. We looked up at each other knowing we were going to get in trouble. 

"Holding hands in public! The fans are all over this along with the press!" Yugyeom whined at the both of us.

Before either of us could answer, we all heard screaming down the hallway. Of all times to show up, she just had to come here now. Min slammed the door open and tackled Jaebum to the floor, we all jumped up making sure he was okay.

"Jaebummie! What the hell is this!?" She shouted shoving her phone in his face, he groaned pushing her off him. 

"Knock knock-" I looked over seeing Donghae standing there with a few guys from Super Junior. He smiled at me and gave me a hug. "What happened, heard fans chased you again."

Nodding my head I hugged him back but my eyes were locked on Jaebum's the entire time, he tensed up until Min stood in front of him. Shit, something had to be said fast despite my little feelings for him. I had to save the relationship for them, even if she cheated he needs to be the one to break it off.

"I'm fine, fans chased us, Jaebum was trying to walk me to Kumi's since it was late. Fans saw us in the street, so he took my hand and ran as fast as we could to Kumi's house. That's all." I smiled looking at Min who sighed in relief. 

"Oh my god, I thought you two became a thing!" Min laughed. "I mean like you could ever take him away from me, but I really was worried for a second."

All of the guys all looked at me with wide eyes, it took me a literal fifteen seconds to process what she said to me then I scoffed. 

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

Donghae laughed awkwardly. "Min, I'm sure you mean that she wouldn't try taking him away because she's your friend, right?"

"Ani, she couldn't take him away from me even if she tried. Don't get me wrong, you are pretty but you can't get any guy you want." Min acted like it was a compliment. "Besides, you like Jinyoung, you guys would make a good couple."

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now