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It was the last day with Minho, all week Jaebum looked like he was going to kill him which made me smile to myself often. But then I remember that I am dating Donghae technically and I had wanted that for so long. And I finally had it, but why wasn't I happy like I thought I would be? Oh right, because Jaebum exist.

"Nana, I must get back to my group after today. I was thinking, we should have dinner somet-" I covered Minho's mouth smiling. Of course we were airing as we speak, and of course he was simply acting because him and I both know neither of us wanted to have dinner with each other.

"Mian, Minho. I have feelings for someone else." I smiled to myself taking my hand away.

He raised a brow but then looked sad. "Who?"

"Jaebum. The way he is there for me, the way he helps me with singing and dancing to make sure I get better it just makes me realize I like him. At first I didn't understand it, but the way we are around each other makes me know. Mian." I answered as he sighed.

"I can respect that, see you around Nana." He kissed my head and left out the door. 

Even though it was supposed to be acting, I just said exactly how I felt to deny acting Minho for the show. Thank god the guys were on their way from practice instead of being here, honestly that would be weird. It was time for the camera's to shut off as Kumi called me like she does after every show.

'You weren't acting!' She shouted in my ear.

Rolling my eyes I laughed. "Aish, you are so annoying. I'm dating Donghae, remember? The one I wanted for so long."

'Yeah, and how do you feel?' Kumi questioned. 

The door opened revealing seven sweaty guys as I looked at Jaebum. "Empty still. I'll text you later." 

We said our goodbyes as I sat my phone down. Their eyes all widen with a grin at me as the all decided to dog pile on me while being sweaty. We all laughed, but it was weird having Jaebum act like this with them since he usually yells at them.

"Noona, we missed you today." Yugyeom said as he nuzzled on my shoulder. 

"We really did, Noona." Bambam did the exact same on the other shoulder making me giggle.

Jackson pouted. "I want to nuzzle her. Fine, I call nuzzling against her chest-"

Before he could finish Jaebum grabbed his ear lobe and pushed his away from me making everyone laugh. I covered my chest hiding it from Jackson as I stuck my tongue out at him as he did the same.

"Aish, no way 'daddy'." I snickered making him blush hard. 

"We should drink tonight, I'm dying." Jackson answered as Jinyoung was already coming in with bottles of soju and beer. 

Everyone took what they wanted and we sat in a circle on the ground. It was finally the weekend, so we had a little break to relax. At first Jaebum and I both declined the drinks, but Youngjae smirked.

"We aren't going to let happen last time happen again. Drink up." He handed us both a shot of soju. 

Problem is, one I was a light drink and two I was a very clingy/flirtatious drunk. So thank god Jaebum was sitting across from me instead of next to me where Jinyoung and Jackson were. Even though Jackson threatens about messing around with me, he truly wouldn't because we are good friends. And Jinyoung isn't that type of guy.

"Lets play a game." Mark smiled holding up his beer bottle.

"Yeah, like truth or dare." Bambam smiled.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now