I Like You

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"You are going on a world tour in two months, isn't that fantastic?" My manager smiled at me while ruffling my hair.

"Bwo?" I pushed my hair out of my face looking back at the guys, they were all sitting at the table while my manager and I were at the bar. 

Jackson noticed everyone's face so he gave me a thumbs up with a smile. "Jinjja? That's awesome, Leena! Your first world tour, isn't that great guys?" He elbowed Mark who shot up nodding his head with that fake smile.

"Since the show is officially over, you can leave here anytime." Manager-nim said while picking up his folder. "Give me a call when you do, we will talk more about the world tour later, arasso?"

I nodded as he left. The guys stayed silent making me feel ever worse, Jaebum and I still weren't a couple yet. Though to be fair I don't deserve him after everything I did, but I wasn't going to give up just cause I messed up. Its now or never to be honest, I took a deep breath and sat down across from him.

"Yah, why are you guys gloomy? I'm staying here until my world tour, brats." I told them.

"YAY!" Yugyeom and Bambam yelled cheering as they both hugged me. How could I leave these guys so soon after becoming so close to them?

Jaebum leaned back in his chair not giving me eye contact, we barely talked since Soo-Hyun was here that time. He must be mad at me the way I acted with him, stupid Leena. I should slap myself but manager-nim would be so mad at me.

"Im Jaebum." I said his name like a mother would making him jerk his head to me, actually it made everyone look at me.

He tilted his head. "What?"

"I like you."

Silence, it was so silent you could hear a mouse crawl on the floor. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy, like I had four eyes. Was I not supposed to say something like that in front of people, I was just trying to show how much I like him.

"What." He sounded dumbfounded, he must be taken aback by me confessing in front of his friends like this.

But I didn't care and I stared into his eyes. "I like you. Is that a problem? After everything we've gone through I fell for you, brat. Question is, do you like me back?"

"Min Lee Na." He said my full name crossing his arms. "You know the freaking answer after everything, you know I fell for you the second I met you."

"Then lets date, I don't want to go on world tour regretting the fact I never made you mine. It would tear me apart." I mumbled feeling my face get red.

"WOO!" The guys started to holler except Jinyoung, our eyes met as he got up from the table saying he had to use the bathroom and left.

Jaebum chuckled. "Arasso. From here on you are mine, so that means no Minho, no Soo-Hyun and no others. You are mine, I don't like sharing."

Oh my, that possessiveness made me see how he truly was but I was more than a hundred percent okay with it. I tried to hide my face because I could feel the warmth in my cheeks, my stomach was turned upside down. But I couldn't because Jaebum leaned over the table and gave me a passionate kiss. Without hesitation I kissed his soft lips back, not caring about people watching.

"Yah, this is a kitchen!" Youngjae laughed smacking Jaebum's back, he pulled away from my lips smacking his head.

"Aish, my face." I muttered to myself feeling my face. 

The guys started to argue about PDA when I slipped away, I figured I should go check on Jinyoung since he looked a bit upset. When I got to the room he was sharing with two others I knocked quietly, the door instantly opened. His eyes landed on mine, he was only in sweatpants holding a t-shirt. 

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now