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Since Jaebum was busy with JYP, I hung out with Jinyoung for the day because the other guys had plans. It was a little uncomfortable only because I know he has feelings for me and I am dating his leader, but I tried to not think about it. We were at my place while watching movies on my couch since it was raining today.

"Glad you are happy, Leena." He smiled at me. 

My head jerked his way realizing he was staring at me but I responded with the same smile while wrapping myself under my blanket. "Gomawo. I really am grateful that we could stay friends."

"Likewise. Even though I have feelings for you, I can learn to move on." He assured me as I chuckled.

"Kumi is now single." I winked at him making him bust out with laughter.

After he stopped laughing he looked at me with a playful smile. "You are great, you know that right? Maybe when I get over you I can take her on a date since I am her bias wrecker." 

We both laughed after than and continued to watch the movie until it was over, when it finished it was already almost midnight. He cursed under his breath knowing the other members would be upset that he was late and not telling them.

"Its fine, you can stay the night and I'll text them for you." I assured him. 

His eyes widen slowly. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Jaebum Hyung would get really jealous and I don't want to anger him. Besides, I still have feelings for you."

"Well I can tell him you are in a different room and its not like you will try anything against my will right? Right. So shut up and go take the guest room." I demanded. 

"Arasso, you are so demanding." He smiled ruffling my hair as he left down the hall, once I heard the door closed I took out my phone and texted Jaebum.

To: Bummie <3 :*

Jinyoung is here
Letting him stay the night
See you tomorrow?
Goodnight <3 <3 <3

I knew he was going to be angry at the fact someone who has feelings for me was staying the night, but what if some crazy fans caught him leaving my place? That would be even worse to be honest, a man leaving a woman's house so late.  My phone buzzed not even a minute later making me worry.

From: Bummie <3 :*

We can pick him up!
I don't trust him -.-

Glaring at my phone I hit the respond button agryly.

To: Bummie <3 :*

Its dangerous without your manager!
Don't be a paboya!
He can stay, he isn't a perv.
Goodnight once again. -_-

This time I made sure I didn't use a heart just to anger him, honestly he has known Jinyoung longer than me. He has no reason not to trust him, sure that time in his room was different but that was out of anger. And he never did anything, he just had me on the wall asking me a question. My phone buzzed again but this time it was a call from Jackson.


He groaned on the other side. 'What did you say to leader-nim? He is so angry.'

'Jinyoung is staying at my place for the night in case of fans, that's all.' 

'Aish, why don't you just let us pick him up? Well I know why, but why don't we just come over under disguise?'

That answer wasn't bad, but I don't want them getting caught. 'If you can come over without getting caught then by all means. If you get caught I ain't helping.'

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now