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Its been a week that I've been engaged to Jaebum, and I've barely told anyone. My old manager knows, my friends know and the CEO of SM Entertainment knows. I was planning on telling it to all my coworkers tonight at a party we are handling for an anniversary on SM. Obviously, Jaebum is going and so isn't the others, but I can't help but feel nervous. What if I lose friends because I am engaged to someone from another company?

God, sometimes I over think about stupid things. Theres been two things on my mind all week, the wedding and how I'm late. Yeah, mother nature hasn't come knocking on my door for the entire month. I keep hoping that its a fluke and that I am just skipping a month, but honestly just to be safe I'm going to the doctors today before the party.

Kumi took me to my doctors appointment so I wouldn't be alone, but she promised me she wouldn't say anything. When I had taken her to the doctors to see if she was pregnant they said it was false. She was of course grateful but also a little sadden that she didn't get to have a baby.

So here I am, laying on the table thingy with my shirt lifted up and the doctor is putting that jelly stuff on.

"This might be a little cold." He smiled at me as I nodded.

He took the stick thing and rubbed it on my stomach, looking at the screen while moving it around. Kumi took my hand and held it tight, what would he say if I was pregnant now when we just got engaged? Aigoo, I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"Do you see this right here?" The doctor pointed on the screen to a small bean like figure.

"Of course."

He smiled again. "Congratulations, you are pregnant."

I couldn't help but smile and let tears fill my eyes. "J-jinjja? Can we take a picture?"

"Sure thing, I'll print one out now." He printed out the picture of the baby and handed it to me then bowed leaving us in the room alone.

Kumi hugged me tight. "Omo, I'm going to be an auntie."

"I don't know whether to cry or smile because I'm scared but I am so happy that I made this little guy." I stared at the picture.

"Come on, we are going to be late if we don't get ready. Maybe you can tell him after the party." She told me as we stood up to leave.

"But what if he leaves me for this?" I choked on my words.

She flicked my head. "Jaebum would never do that, he's the type to stay and he will be so excited. I know Jackson will be."

"I hope so, lets go now. Thank you, Kumi-ah." I linked our arms as she grinned at me then we left the doctors office.

~At The Party~

"Leena! You look good!" I turned around hearing Amber's voice as we both smiled and hugged each other.

"How are you?" I grinned.

She laughed. "Great! Its been a while since we've seen each other! Your skin is glowing."


"There she is! The famous Nana aka Leena!" That voice...

I turned to the side seeing a familiar face. "Lee Donghae, its great seeing you."

He hugged me. "Likewise, I was actually going to contact you if you didn't come to the party. Its been a while, and the guys missed you."

"Of course we did, she's like our sister." Siwon ruffled my hair.

"Aish, not the hair." I giggled.

That whole night I saw the entire group of Super Junior, meeting Donghae was a little awkward but we got over it and decided to be good friends. I saw Minho from SHINee, and its was a little weird but he and I got over it and said to let it go. Seeing all the EXO members was always great, and Girls Generation, still don't know if Kai and Krystal are together still or not. Must ask her later, because they were super cute.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now