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The last night of my world tour, I felt just as empty as I did the night before I left. Here I was getting my make up done just like I do every night, still feeling nothing. When I had my concerts in Seoul halfway through, he never showed. Jackson and Jinyoung bother showed and congratulated me, but he never came. 

My last tour in Japan was tonight, my manager had told me to wait on stage a little after my last song because there was a surprise. Sometimes our company surprises us with things after a big achievement and I should be excited but I didn't feel it. Luckily Kumi was here with me since she was visiting family in Japan. Her and Jackson are doing amazing, he told her he loved her for the first time a week ago. Made my heart melt at the thought of them, but also made me envious too.

"Leena!" Kumi shouted in my face making me snap back to reality. "You are on in one minute, come on, fighting!"

"Fighting." I flashed a fake smile standing up, I flipped my hair to the back of my shoulders and went to the side of the stage. 

The first song started to play for the intro which made me flip my switch from sad to bright and smiley for my fans. As soon as I stepped on the stage the crowd went wild, it made me feel good but didn't make me truly happy.  When I started to sing the crowd got even louder by singing along to my song making me smile again. 

Halfway through I looked over while waiting for the next song to see Jackson standing next to Kumi waiting. My eyes widen in confusion as he grinned giving me a thumbs up, why was he here? Then I saw Jinyoung and Mark, then Youngjae and Yugyeom with Bambam by his side. Were they all here but him? It made me smile to them know that they were here to support me, but then I sighed knowing he wasn't here. 

If he had just talked to me while I was on world tour I would have taken him back, I never wanted to let him go in the first place. But it was wrong what he did and I wanted him to think about what he did. If he had just asked me to take him back I wouldn't have even thought twice at all. Finally, my last song was over and the crowd was still as wild as ever. No I wasn't as big as BTS, EXO or Super Junior, but I was big enough.

I was about to get off stage when I remembered that my manager asked my to wait for a few minutes for a 'surprise.' 

'I want you to find me and save me.'

My eyes widen as I turned around to see Jaebum singing the song we sang together the night I spent with them in JYP building. Jackson was doing the rapping parts for him on the sidelines while Jaebum kept walking towards me. The crowd was going insane saying our names and coming up with our ship name 'JaeNa'. 

I could feel tears streaming down my face once he finally reached to me, he wiped them off with his thumbs while staring at me. My heart beat was beating fast than it did the first time we kissed, and that was fast. Once he finished he looked at me with his famous smile that everyone simply adored.

"Min Leena, I love you." He said through the microphone. I was expecting the crowd to get angry, but they cheered on louder than they did when I sang.

"Im Jaebum, what are you doing?" I hissed. 

He smiled. "I made a mistake, letting you go was the worse thing I've ever done."

"Jaebum, come on-"

"I missed you, I loved you and I still do. Please, let me have a chance to prove it." He insisted.

I sighed. "You shouldn't be doing this here, you are making it hard for me to say no in front of the fans."

"You don't want to say no and you know it." He smirked, which wasn't a total lie. 

"Aigoo, I missed you and love you too" I mumbled.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now