Hurting Others

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Jackson's words kept going through my head since I knew he was right, the entire weekend that was all I could think about. But of course I didn't show how much I was thinking on camera since I had to act. He was right, and I knew I had to end it with Donghae as soon as I could or someone was going to get hurt.

We got back home having the day off since JYP and my manager had us busy for the weekend so we got a two solid days off. I had asked the guys if it was okay to invite a guest over not saying who it was because Jaebum might have said no but they said it was okay expecting Kumi. It was now or never, to think I was going to break up with the guy of my dreams or old dreams that is. When I get together with Amber, Luna, Krystal and Victoria they are going to yell at me continuously but I plan on telling them what happened with me and Jaebum. Hopefully they wont judge me or look at me any different.

There was a knock at the door, we all looked at the door as I got up and opened it revealing a very muscular Donghae in a white tank top and jean shorts with a beanie hat. I looked back at the guys who looked a bit shocked it wasn't a small girl and was my current 'boyfriend'. Becuase we've barely been together, I don't look at us as together honestly. We sat down as the guys burst their own way into the kitchen, I couldn't tell if they were listening or not. Irritating.

"You look good today, Leena." He smiled at me showing the innocence. Oh please don't do that, it will kill me if I don't get to see that smile anymore.

"Would you like some tea-" Before I could finish, Mark came out with a small tray with two cups of tea and bowed then left back to the kitchen. "Tea?" I laughed awkwardly as he did too taking his cup sipping it.

This is harder than I though because his eyes just showed happiness. "Leena, are you okay? You look like you are deep in thought."

"I'm fine, I just want to talk to you about something. Listen, did you know I admired you since I became a trainee? Because of you I had the courage to learn dancing and felt pretty the way I did back then, so I liked you a lot." I smiled to myself thinking of the memories we shared back then.

"Really? I never knew that, I just thought you looked at me as friend or brother like figure and I've liked you for a while. Just never had the guts to ask you out since I thought you liked someone else." He muttered.

My head tilted. "Omo, that's great. But who did you think I liked?"

"The leader of the group here, when I saw you on stage with him I felt like you were your best when you sang with him. And every time I saw you together you smile a smile I haven't seen since you trained." He admitted. 

"Bwo? Jinjja?"

He slowly nodded his head then sighed. "Is that what you wanted to talk about? How you liked me for a long time?"

"Aniyo, I just. Sigh, this is so hard but when you asked me out I thought I would be ecstatic, but truth be told I only thought of one person that day." I played with my hair trying to avoid eye contact with him as much as I could.

"I was right, you like him. That was the person you thought of, wasn't it? I'm not mad or anything, just a little disappointed I didn't reach your heart first. I should have asked you out sooner." He slightly smiled at me.

Honestly, I don't know why I said what I said next but I felt like an ass saying it. "That's sweet Donghae, but I still would have met him and I still would have fallen for him. So its a good thing you didn't because you would have gotten hurt more, are you hurt now?"

"Of course, but I still hope we can be friends even if. Uh, I hope if he likes you back he treats you good. I'll be going now, Shindong is waiting for me with Heechul. Annyeong." He stood up, bowed and left our the door in seconds. 

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now