6. Simply Revealing♦️

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If you do...well, it makes more sense if you read the chapter first...

Chapter 6: Simply Revealing

The sun was shining on the men and the white haired woman, most of them were awake. A few were still sleeping, for example the sleeping beauty. Her golden eyes were isolated from the outside world, while her breathing caused her upper-body to move up and down in a steady pace.

Her skin almost looked like silk, soft and almost shining. Akari always called it scales; it doesn't feel like it but the temperature of her skin was always cold. If she stays in the sun too long, it would effect her body. Feeling numb, not quite knowing what to think or to do, the heat will almost cook her up. Of course, through the years she knows when the sun becomes to much to her.

As she disguises as Hikaru, she need to cover up her thighs and breasts. So, for unexpected moments she had bandages wrapped over her arms, from her upper arms to knuckles. She tells everyone that it's for the close combat, what is true for a little bit. In a different way of seeing it... she doesn't have to lie... partly.

Because of the Devil Fruit, her ability to hear had decreased enormously. Even though, she can hear really high pitches and her concentration on sound doesn't effect her like it effected her in her younger years. Her sight on the other hand changed to the highest possibility of vision; being able to see the smallest detail, even if it's almost behind her.

The only woman from the Red Haired Pirates opened her eyes, trying to observe her current situation. Normally, she remembers what she had dreamt while she slept, but even now she can't remember. How long did I sleep?..

Her golden eyes moved from the unclear view in front of her to her lap. Akari tried to move, feeling something covering her. To be more exact, a black cape, which belonged to the only one she knows who wears it; Shanks. She saw Mihawk wear one too yesterday, except his cape has some red structures with it.

Her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, even if the shadow of a sunshade protected her from the sun. The sweet smell of coconut caused to wake her more up, while suddenly the scent of vanilla mixed with it.

She sniffed once more in the air, while looking for the source of these delicious scents. She saw a few men laying against a tree, but nobody who was eating a coconut or to make it more weird, no one ate anything.

A faint breeze met her as her long hair moved with it, the aroma of a flower had found its way to her, only making the sweet scents even more special. Coconut, vanilla and a scent she remembered from many years ago; Lily from the valley. Carefully, she removed the cloak from her body, not wanting to damage it as she cherished it with care.

To be honest, the now awake woman didn't drink a lot last night. Most of the time she enjoyed the night. Not drinking like a dried up camel, she had stopped after a few drinks. She listened to the stories of the men, also hearing the story about the funny kid: Luffy.

Eventually, also the story when Shanks saved the little kid years ago, had led to the story how the captain lost his arm. He wasn't mad at Luffy, he was just glad the kid was still alive.

That was the moment that Akari looked at the man in a whole different perspective; first thinking he was just a lazy pirate, but now she saw a whole new person. Maybe someone who she would like to be with a little longer...

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