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Hello everyone,

I just want to say... I loved writing this book so much!
Just thinking about the story gives me goosebumps!

I want to thank a good friend of mine for being an inspiration for actually finishing this story. She was the very first reader and also corrected a lot of spelling mistakes.

I just hope you guys understood everything and got used to my way of writing.
As you maybe see through the story, some things are explained later on in the story.
However at the end some questions got created, which I can't answer for you now.

Did you enjoy the story at least?..
Did you like Akari, my OC, through the story?

Was the music each time matching with your feelings by reading the chapter?
Were the videos I made fun to watch?

Sorry that I ask so much😅
Just want to make sure that my effort for the story was worth it♥️

So... time to go...
Time to let this story have an end...


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