7. Compared Events♣️

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Music^: Ta-Ku- Down For You

Chapter 7: Compared Events
♠️Memory: 11 years ago

He looked down on me, while enjoying my company. "You are my pretty bird... Fufufufufu..." The man was tall, he could play as a tree. The moment he had laid his eyes on me, I knew I was in trouble.

His creepy smile, his devilish laugh... Not that I had met him because I wanted to. I didn't expect my journey to end so quickly, it must have been two weeks at least... when I saw Mihawk for the last time.

Just a few hours ago I was walking through Dressrosa, trying to eat something, which I didn't do since two days. Then out of nowhere I got raised into the air, my feet from the ground as I look straight at a pair of sunglasses.

"Fufufu... Who is this?" He had grabbed my by my jacket, making it unable to get away. "Can you let go of me?" The smile of him showed excitement ... almost like a child that has come across a new toy.

"Now?!" He sighed, looking at me from my head to toes. He didn't reply, he just stared at me and sometimes shared a look with one of the men beside him. "Fine..." I mumbled, making him stare at me with curiosity. I breathed in. "Toka toka no..." His grip on my jacket got tighter, like he knew nothing good was going to happen.

My eyes searched to the sunglasses of the man, almost looking straight through the shaded glasses. A smirk came upon my face, causing it to remove it from the man before me. "Poisoned Bite!"

My eyes started to glow as my hair stung against his hand and the teeth in my mouth started to grow. My head cocked to the side of his arm, attacking it with full speed.

For a slight second I thought I was able to bite him, until my body froze in mid-action. My teeth touched his skin at its surface, while my eyes traveled back at the man. His smile was still gone.

He didn't look amused at all, like he didn't expect me to go against him. My body suddenly moved on its own, being controlled by an unknown source. My eyes trying to find the problem of the 'not moving body of mine'.

Slowly my body retreated from it's hybrid form, eventually being myself again. As I was held like a kitten by its mother, he put me back on the ground. When I wanted to move again, I still stood on the same place. He was hovering over me as his left hand moved, causing me to walk up to him. "Can you let go of me, again?" He is controlling me.

"So, now you have done your tricks. Follow me or I will drag you with me." He simply stated. The pressure on my muscles left me as he turned around, completely ignoring me. I'm not an object!

Who does he think he is? When he was walking away I noticed a whole crew was walking with him, more like a wall of protection. He doesn't look like someone who needs protection.

The creepy tall male with his men, where also a few woman were, walked away into the distance. They are expecting me to follow him, right? Well, I'm not going to. On full speed I turned around, running away from those pirates.

I guessed they were pirates, though. I tried to find a high building, being able to look upon all the people in the Kingdom. I thought I got away until I realized I tried to run from the King himself; Donquixote Doflamingo, the one who is pulling the strings.

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