8. Replayed Appearances♥️

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Chapter 8: Replayed Appearances
♠️Present: {Two months later}

"Good morning, lovebirds." The sleepy couple arrived in the kitchen, walking into the whole crew of the Red Hair Pirates, who were all eating. "Did you sleep well last night? Not that we heard anything..." said the one with a piece of meat in his mouth.

Within a second a knife was thrown at his plate, causing to let all his food fly into his face. "Lucky Roo... don't" Akari grinned smugly as she sat down with a few more knifes in her hand. Just to be sure...

"Good morning to you guys too." She sang as she started to attack her food, being really hungry. Because a certain man didn't want to let me go last night... The captain planted a kiss on top of the woman's head, already enjoying the day because of her sexy morning mood.

He was still unable to believe that the woman next to him was his. It started two months ago and even now they are madly in love with each other. Akari loosed up as time passed, slowly returning to her old relaxed but a bit bossy self. "Can someone pass me the salt?"

Her hand was extended before her, expecting to get the salt. "No one?" She asked, but now looking up. Her eyes falling on five pieces of paper in front of her. The one on the top was a wanted poster. "That's not the salt..." She chuckled sarcastically, but it failed miserably. Why is everyone quiet?

Her eyes scanned the paper over and over again, not quite believing what was before her. "What's wrong?" Shanks suddenly asked as he noticed the silence in the room. Everyone was staring at Akari, who was looking emotionless at the piece of paper. They must be joking...

The captain's eyes traveled to the wanted poster, first seeing a picture of Akari. Then the amounts of Belly. 75.000.000 Belly. It looked like the picture was taken recently. But why would she have a price on her head? What did she do?

"They published a new wanted poster of me..." Akari mumbled softly. I think it was taken before I magically ended up in the barrel... "Well, my price on my head raised with 4.000.000 Belly and I now got a better picture of myself." She smiled. "What's on the rest of the papers?" Shanks asked curiously, also trying understand the situation of the young woman.

The woman laid down the first paper, revealing the second one... of herself. 71.000.000 Belly. It was just like the woman next to Shanks said, the amount of Belly had a difference of 4 million. This was taken when I was with Doflamingo.

So, she knew all along she was wanted by the Marine? The captain thought, while being quite surprised about it. The picture was taken sideways, her eyes were shining bright. It was the same look on her face when she was fighting the marines from two months ago. That points out she must have fought many times before.

She looked quite young, something around mid-twenties. The red haired captain tried to connect all the facts, slowly understanding the wanted posters. "Well, what's on the rest?! Now, I'm really curious!" The rest of the crew nodded by the sudden comment as their eyes scanned the two wanted posters of Akari.

Her hands were trembling, expecting a name what was not Akari. Her thoughts went wild, not knowing how to respond if her prediction comes true. What do I have to tell them?

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