3. Emotional Misconception♣️

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Music^: Cartoon-Why We Lose(feat. Coleman Trapp)

Chapter 3: Emotional Misconception

I have made stupid decisions through my years. Like, really really stupid. I had a good friend, who accepted me without doubting me any moment. I had never doubted him, I could at least return that favor. He was always very honest, almost blunt if that explains it better.

Except, I wasn't honest with him in the end. I didn't tell him I had left, I never said anything about leaving, I wanted to prevent him to get hurt, even though it had hurt him even more.

Because of this person, I learned to stand up again, after Croco had let me go two years before it... I realized I was indeed lonely: He understood me, but didn't ask questions about it. So, I returned it; not asking questions about his past, still supporting him through the couple of years.

He was like a brother, who I have never had. Sadly, I had to leave. Why? I didn't feel home, not like an home I wanted to have. I wanted to travel until I found my home. When Croco had left I didn't have a purpose anymore to live on my island. Yes, I could live a normal life, maybe the perfect life for any other person. It didn't feel the same anymore.

Every time I stood up I felt lonely, I didn't have anything to thinks positive about, nothing to hope for, nobody who I could worry about. I couldn't tell if it was killing me or making me stronger. I had to get out of there!

So, I hated everything what happened or what lived on that island, right? Well, no... not everything. My parents were kind people. Too kind, almost as they saw through everyone's bad side.

That's not a bad thing, of course. My dad went back to his pirate life. He was a pirate in his younger years, but had quit when my mom appeared. They fell in love at first sight, unable to leave each other's side.

We always knew he missed the sea, the adventures. He had a big scar under his right eye and it went from his ear to his chin, also damaging his mouth. Instead of hating it, he was very proud of it actually, he was a man who accepted it with whole his heart.

Once in a while a ship passed, so my dad waited until he thought it was time, time to go back into the sea. Before he left, my mom gave him a necklace with a picture of me and my mother. So he knew we were always with him.

After a year we heard he had died in battle, being killed by an horrible heartless man. The only thing what we had left of him was the necklace, it was returned to us after a few months we heard the horrible news.

We lived further, always thinking about him and thanking him for everything he gave us. When I grew up, beginning to live my teen years, I realized what kind of world I was living in.

Well, on what kind of island I lived. The people around us, only thinking about themselves. If you could give something they wanted, then they could help you. Only then.

So, that's when I didn't understand my mother: the kindness she gave away for free. Why?! They were selfish creatures! Did they even give their condolences when dad died? My mom and I weren't on the same page anymore...

I ignored her, I acted like a spoiled child. Hating the one who killed dad, but instead of telling it to mom.... I started to release my hate on my own mother.

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