Devil Fruit🃏

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+Picture of Akari

17 years ago
Age 18

The taste of the horrible fruit started to spread on my tongue. A big chunk of food was missing from it, already being in my stomach. The awful and almost poisoned flavor filled my whole mouth, looking in disgust to the piece of food in my hands.

Do I have to eat the whole thing? Eating twenty more pieces of this... this Devil Fruit?! I-I can't go back now! I have to finish eating it! I can't get mom or Crocodile back without this... this is my chance, my only chance!

A cold feeling covered my skin, like a shadow touching me. The unexplainable coldness was spreading to my neck, almost as it went to my hair. Spreading to my fingertips, to my feet and eventually to my face. What's happening to me?

The coldness wasn't leaving me anymore, slowly becoming a part of me. My skin felt being tightened as it changed into a hard shield, like ropes being wrapped around me. Tightly but I can still move.

I moved my hands before my eyes, noticing the light skin-color taking over my skin. The pointy nails were cutting into the fruit, as it still was in my hands. Seeing the fruit slowly rotten in front of my eyes in details, like being able to see everything from a distance.

The warmth of the sun burning on me, the irritated feeling of my feet in my shoes... The wind changed its direction, eventually against my back. It allowed my hair to blow before me. My... my white hair falling before my sight. White... I dropped the Devil Fruit, already knowing one bite was enough.

My whole body changed! I... feel so different. So light on my feet, feeling so free! I don't know what happened to me, I don't know what I changed into... what I can do, what I will do in the future... but it feels like the right decision. I just hope it is.

I just want everything to be normal again. Seeing mom safe and sound, smiling to me and being able to hear the adventures I had with Crocodile. Living my life to... to accomplish... something.

I don't know what I want to do when it's normal again, maybe it never will be normal again. Were we living normal? Is there any chance to change it back? Gathering everyone again who stood next to me in my life. The only thing I can do is try...

Dad told me something when I was little, not that I gave much of a thought to it at that moment. Except now it sounds almost as an advise for in the future. Like right now.
'Some things happen for a reason, even if the reason never reveals itself.'

I don't know the meaning of it completely, but I know I just have to keep moving. Trying to move forwards, even if I step sideways a few times. I can't control everything in my life, so I will just let it happen.

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