Rain Dinners🃏

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+Picture of Hikaru

6 years ago
Age 29
Crocodile: Age 38

I just wanted to take a peek of his life and then return to mine... removing the border of Akari and Hikaru... just as easy as it is said, right?

I watched every move of him, since a few months. Today is as any other. First pirates invade the city, causing people to panic and 'bam'! There he is... the hero. On top of a building. A show-off like always, did't change a bit. The savior, the one and only god or with the name how I always called him; Crocodile.

People tell all kinds of stories of him, praising him into greatness. I'm not saying they are 100% wrong, I admit he looks badass, but doesn't it look a bit... how should I say it? Obvious? Yeah, that's the word. I mean he snaps all the time and acts grumpy around almost everyone... My point is; How can nobody notice this?

After a few months watching him, knowing where he goes, who he meets, who works for him and etcetera, I could become the savior of this city! I will be the savior, the goddess, Miss. Too perfect or ... I prefer my name. That's the only one what doesn't get me uncomfortable...

After watching him 'defeat' the pirates, he threw a bag over his shoulder and walked away. Next time I will follow him, now there are too much people who saw me today. Actually, I almost live here! I only sleep somewhere else, two streets away by an old lady, who had a spare room left.

My hand went through my white hair as I sighed deep. I miss the feeling of my hand traveling through my long hair. Now it was just short, the ends tickles in the back of my neck. "Show me your hands." Before I could finish my sigh, a cold metallic feeling was poking in my neck.

Slowly I put my hands in the air, turning around with my eyes on the ground. Did I forget to mention... that I was wearing a Marine's jacket? No? "Who are you?" My eyes were gazing on the pair of shoes, slowly trying to figure out who could stand behind me. Billions.

"I was just observing the situation, I got a report about some people misbehaving." I said with a steady voice, putting my hands down. Of course, it was all a lie. After being trained as a Marine, you will learn about a few situation. So... my acting skills were showing today, after a long time.

"Who commanded you?" Who? Slowly I stood up, trying to act like a Marine under command of... "Mr.0" The Billions took a step back, not expecting their boss being mentioned. "Oh! We didn- We uhh... continue with your job." One of them was trembling on his knees, probably being scared of someone being commanded directly by the boss.

That they even believe my story! "Or we can do it for you." An other voice mixed in, the sound of his voice being quite suspicious. "That won't be necessary." My voice and the one of a woman said, creating a high tension in the side street. Who stands behind me?

The Billions ran away, their eyes slightly gazing to the one behind me. "Follow me." Before I could stand properly, my arm got pulled away, causing me to stumble behind the tall silhouette. "W-wait! What are you doing?" My eyes went to the stranger, being able to conclude it was a woman.

Her pace decreased, allowing me to walk next to her. She was still pulling me with her, her hand around my wrist. I could only see her black colored hair, which reached until her skinny shoulders. Her eyes were hidden under a hat, but because of her unsteady breathing she seemed quite young. Where are we going?

"I'm bringing you to our boss." A smile was slowly appearing on her face, her eyes slightly lighting up from amusement. She heard me talk, she knows I'm lying. She brought me to a 'F-Wani'. I don't know why but those Bananawani's creatures, give me the creeps! Their breaths are smelly and are hungry all the time!

Before I knew it, we arrived by Rainbase, feeling the heat decrease a bit because of huge amount of water. It felt nice, the slight coldness. Even if it didn't feel colder or actually less warm... it made me relax a bit.

The woman walked in front of me, leading me to Rain Dinners, the famous and known casino. As she was greeted by all the people, she kept her attention mostly on me. She doesn't trust me... Eventually we sat down, beginning an important conversation.

I had no opportunity to escape, there were eyes and ears everywhere. I had to listen to her, listening that a certain problem occurred: me.

"Mr.6?" I looked up to the woman, who apparently was named Miss All-Sunday, she was watching me all those months when I had my eyes on Crocodile. My eyes were switching between the woman and the current piece of paper.

We talked about my current situation, as well for my future one. My golden eyes moved to the woman after I stopped staring at my contract. Mr.6, my new name as I now begin to work for Baroque Works. Well, I didn't really had a choice to turn down the offer.

Because I already knew Crocodile was my boss, the one called Mr.0 among all the employees, I had a special contract. I would work for them and in return they weren't planning to kill me. I have to work at the front, killing people who could destroy Crocodile's reputation.

Normally none of the Officer Agents know who their boss is... so if I tell one of them, what I'm not going to do, I will get killed for sure. I never wanted to reveal Crocodile in the first place. I just wanted to check on him.

Well, it isn't that hard to work for the Baroque Works. I just have to make sure I don't make any mistakes... I don't want to think about that problem, though. "By the way," Miss All-Sunday was sitting in a chair next to me reading a book. "I'm not going to wear something with the number six." I said with confidence, really not wanting a tattoo with a six on it.

"That won't be necessary." We both looked up from our chairs, watching Crocodile arrive in the room. "If you just follow the rules on the contract..." He mumbled as smoke was leaving his mouth. "then there won't be consequences." Miss All-Sunday explained as she finished Crocodile's sentence.

Our eyes met, almost as time stood still. He doesn't recognize me, right? His serious and bored expression hid the soul of a young male I met many years ago. His body became more muscular, his shoulders were now wider and also grew a bit taller. He really changed, like he moved on.

After my whole situation was explained by rules, I kind of already knew I wouldn't leave this place any time soon. It didn't really give me a feeling that it was possible to 'stand up and leave'.

To see it in a different light... my life will be busy. I can keep my eyes on Crocodile, while I slowly destroy the wall between Akari and Hikaru. When I leave this place... the wall will crumble in thousand pieces.

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