Marine Base🃏

398 10 1

Music^: Foreign Air- In The Shadows
+Picture of Smoker

1 year ago
Age 34
Smoker: Age 33

"It was you, wasn't it?" His voice sounded harsh and direct, still unable to properly look into my eyes. Smoker had opened the cell's door a few hours ago and we ended up chatting about where we have been through.

"What do you mean?" I asked at him, while following his gaze into the city. We were walking through the streets, watching other people while talking further. My double-bladed sword was still taken, hopefully getting it back at the end of the day.

"A few years ago when Baroque Work became more known..." He looked at his surroundings, viewing over a few damaged houses. "there was a male under the name Mr. 6." Smoke was coming out of his mouth, every sentence pushing a gray cloud forwards.

"Killing many marines and once even Billions." I walked next to him, except my pace slowly decreased, my bare feet touching the fragile ground. "After that he practically disappeared. No information, nothing." Before I could respond or think at anything to say at him at all, he stopped walking.

My shoulder bumping against his arm, waking up from my deep thoughts. "Until it seemed he was living among the shadows, following untrusted people who were under command of Baroque Works. To slaughter them in the end if they didn't follow Mr.0's orders." I just couldn't look him into the eyes, knowing it was me from the mentioned name: Mr.6.

"So, you aren't going to talk anymore? Well, then we will walk back and you will hand yourself in." Hand myself in? Wait! "No! I mean it was me, yes! Except..." Tears started to fall down my cheeks. "I..." My eyes went to the male, my hands grabbing to his jacket while my knees felt weak.

I know I made mistakes, but I won't get caught. I accepted being a pirate and that gives me strength. I sometimes let tears roll down my face, but that doesn't mean I'm weak. Not weak in appearance, maybe slightly on the inside...

He turned around, a sudden chuckle leaving his mouth. A hand was put on my head, ruffling my white hair. "I was joking, Speedy." Smoke traveled into my face, causing me to remove my tears by the irritated feeling of smoke in my golden eyes. Speedy... haven't heard that name since a very long time.

"You know I never liked those jokes." I sobbed softly with my hands wiping away the fallen tears. "You once got so mad," Smoker started, throwing his arm around my shoulders to walk further. Not many people looked up to the scene, everyone being busy with their own business.

"that I destroyed your uniform with my claws..." I finished, a little smile appearing on my face as I thought back to the memory on the training's base. "You remembered the face of our captain?! He was mad and confused at the same time!" Without any other words my voice already reached the next street, finally letting him hear my own laugh.

It was nice to talk to him again, now showing my real self. "Smoker?" "Hm?" We, the two Devil Fruit Users, were by a bar, enjoying our first drink together as a pirate and marine. "How is it as a Marine?" He took a gulp of his beer, enjoying the alcoholic taste from his drink.

"How is it as a pirate?" He asked back, not answering with the answer I wanted to hear. What did I want to hear? That it's the best choice of his life? Or maybe that being a pirate would properly have been better? "Well, quite normal I guess...?" I didn't even understand myself, just saying the word normal like it's... normal?

"Same for me." He exclaimed, while asking the bartender to give me another drink. I had found myself drinking sake, a bit more than usual. "Maybe..." Smoker started with his eyes on the liquid in front of him. "being normal is the best choice. Seeing what you can do without any help."

He talks about his Devil Fruit. Why did he eat it in the first place? In the past he once talked about it, but nothing positive about it, though. Does he regret it? What if it was my fault? I tried to ask him one more question, but only his snoring kept my mouth shut. He fell asleep.

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