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Music^: Anima!- Breathe
+Picture of Akari

13 years ago
Age 22
Mihawk: Age 28

"Left foot." While trying to keep my breathing under control, I changed the pose of my left foot. "Right elbow." The male walked around me, correcting my fighting poses. The golden eyed pirate looked at me in deep concentration as I repositioned my right elbow, raising it higher into the air.

"Attack." He commanded, after he started walking behind me. Our eyes had met in a second, our golden eyes gazing at one another on the training ground. With my new weapon in my hands, I turned around. The blades both pointing different ways, one moving aside my body while the other was pointed to the male.

The leaves on the ground danced around us as we kept moving our feet. Our distance changed multiple times, from almost 'stabbing' him to moving away. "Too slow." He mumbled as he stood in front of me. A confused look was reflected to him, not knowing why I was too slow.

A few days ago, we talked about my Devil Fruit Abilities. Because I have eaten a Zoan-type Devil's Fruit, Mihawk said I had to trust on my instincts, trying to use my powers at its maximum. Except, I don't want to rely on those powers... I want to know what I do when I fight.

In a second the man disappeared out of my sight, leaving me stand alone. I turned around a few times, trying to sense his presence. Suddenly a sharp point was pressed against my neck, knowing it was his knife, feeling it going through my long hair, not cutting a single strand of hair. I wasn't allowed to use my hair as shield, trying to fight if I ever cut my hair again.

"Dead." A sigh left my mouth, realizing how stupid I was. "But I don't want to be dead!" The knife's pressure on my skin was removed, my face eventually pointed to Mihawk. "Then you had to prevent me from killing you." His face showed no emotion, even though his eyes gave a glimpse of amusement.

"Well, you didn't kill me." I simple explained, still being pretty alive. "Not literally, but I could." "Yet you didn't." I quickly replied, not knowing why I responded in the first place. Suddenly a chuckle was released before me, being quite surprised it was Mihawk, who was laughing.

"Right..." He clicked back his little knife, completing the necklace again. "I will be back in a few days. So, do nothing stupid." Before I could say anything, he was already walking away. "Wait! Are you going to duel that guy again?" My voice reached him, waiting to get an answer.

He turned around, our golden eyes meeting once more. Hawk Eyes nodded at my question, like every single time. It wasn't the first time he had left to 'duel' that certain man. He doesn't want to tell who it is. I don't get off the island often, only when Mihawk allows me to join him.

Even if I go with him, he never goes to that man. Well, I won't ask who it is anymore. He will be fine anyways, in some kind of way. With me being drowned in my thoughts, the man had already left. Leaving me alone on the island, but also giving me a chance to train my skills on my own. Hopefully not being killed in our next training.

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