10. Deadliest Poison♦️

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Chapter 10: Deadliest Poison
♠️Memory: 11 years ago

Mihawk was a good friend, actually he still is a trustworthy nakama. When I was being trained by him, our time was mostly spent with each other. We didn't talk hours about our problems or anything what troubled us. Most of the time we just sat in the room, silently enjoying each others company...

Through the little three years spending time with each other, we began to understand another through silence... because it expressed each of us more than words ever could. Well, not always.

"So, tell me." The hawk-eyed man look at his red wine, enjoying the evening on the island. "Tell you what?" I, who was lying on the couch, also enjoyed the evening, but with some sake next to me on the table. Mihawk asked me the same question every day since a few weeks, not that I answered.

Normally he just drank his wine and continued to read the newspaper. "Why did you ask me to train you?" He had put down his glass, his eyes were gazing on me. His hat was on the table behind the couch.

With my arm reaching for the hat, feeling the feather tickle against the palm of my hand, I took it from the table. Carefully but with a straight face I had put it on my head, meeting my gaze with his.

"You was there at the right moment." I simply stated, my hands playing with the feather, moving it between my fingers. "That's the reason?" He moved in his chair, obviously wanting to hear more. "You seemed like someone who I could trust." "Trust?" My head slowly nodding, knowing it sounded stupid.

Such fragile word being spread like it's nothing. "Like it was faith." His eyes lit up, his thoughts going wild. "Faith?" Again, I nodded but my head changed its course. "I mean, when I saw you fight... you gave me hope." The hat was covering my eyes, not seeing the man anymore. "I had the feeling I could breathe again..."

"I'm glad you can breathe again." My head raised at his command, a smirk being shared by Mihawk. A nod was reflected to his kind action, raising my glass of sake to him. "If I had never met you, I don't know why kind of situation I would be in now!" Instead of raising his glass with me, his face changed of expression. "What would you have done? To who? Would you still be alive?"

My arm lowered by every word, thinking back about my spoken words. "Akari, tell me." I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, feeling his aura spread in the room. "Why did you ask me to train you? The truth this time." His eyes were serious, glaring at me with full concentration.

"I want to control my powers, I want to have control... I want to remember." After that one time, my first fight... "But you do remember one of the fights. So you know what you can do when you lose control." The barrier of safety was broken.

"Yes, one fight." Those words left my mouth, like they had to be freed. "What did you do?" My eyes were on his, my feelings going everywhere. "You mean what did they make me do."

His angry expression changed again once more. His eyes softened, while he slowly started to sit straighter on the chair. "Who are they?" My glass of sake was already empty, but my lust to drink my worries away was increasing. "Chica." The newspaper in his hands were crumbled in his grasp. "Some dead marines."

♦️{The perspective is different than normal!}

"I couldn't outrun them. They had chased me until my muscles gave in." The night had caught up with the two pirates, shining through the windows. The female thought about a memory from when she was just eighteen years old. "When I looked into their eyes... they already had lost their humanity in some way." The white haired woman was shifting on the couch, her eyes were everywhere but not with the man in front of her.

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