1. Unique Personality♠️

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Music^: su na & DUVV- Flaws (James Deen Remix)

Chapter 1: Unique Personality
♠️Present {Present= Before Time skip}

The Devil Fruits; mysterious, gives different and varying kinds of strange and interesting abilities, fruits of the Sea Devil and the most important thing... it tastes horrible.

"Captain! There is a barrel at 10 o'clock!" The red haired man walked to the left side of the ship, looking at the lonely barrel drifting in the open sea. He raised his hand in the air, as a sign to raise the barrel out of the water.

A net was thrown over it and got pulled up on the ship. The barrel bounced a few times, before it rolled over to the feet of the captain. The crew gathered around the wooden container, curious about what it will be; food, rum or maybe a treasure.

Through the many years, I have seen different Devil Fruit Users. A lot of Paramecia-types, and a few Logia-types, even though they aren't very common. The Zoan-types, as talking one being myself, not really, maybe two or three.

The one-armed man walked forwards to look what's inside, but some member said he would open it as he pointed out to the captain's arm. Eventually the red haired man watched his first mate breaking it open, not knowing what is inside of it. "Wait, maybe it's dangerous!" He ignored the statement of his first mate. Well, they had passed the Red Line so everything was possible.

After using some strength the barrel was open, revealing a woman. Hair so white as silk and as long that it reached her ankles, her skin showing her bones. As fragile as a doll, looking exhausted while a long white dress covered her skin. The young woman opened her eyes for a few seconds, exposing her sun-like colored eyes that shined like two golden coins.

The woman's knees were under her chin and her arms were around her body. She could have been there for days or maybe weeks! Even if she looked like someone, who could take take of herself... it seemed she somehow ended up in this situation.

The Devil Fruit can effect your appearance, sometimes even mentally but just temporarily. It drains your energy when using it too much. I hate my hybrid- and beast form, it's like losing my humanity...

One of the members lifted her out of the barrel. Everyone held their breath, not expecting a human body. "Get some water! She is dehydrated..." The captain stated that by just looking at her, her skin feeling as cold as ice as he tried to detect a fever.

The whole crew stood like frozen statues until the red haired man repeated his sentence once more, with more strength but less confidence... Her white dress was covered in mud and old blood, revealing what her current state was. Worn out and broken.

To be honest, I can't imagine how I would survive without these powers. It took me many years to 'know' mine, though. They helped me out, a lot. Of course, I messed up in the beginning, failing almost like breathing.


He sat beside her, waiting for her to wake up. The sun... it feels nice. Her long hair reflected the sunshine like a diamond. Her skin was pale, not a healthy tint of pale. Why do I feel warmth? A-am I in Heaven?

With kindness he stroked her hair, questioning who she is and how she ended up in a barrel. The man had never experienced something like this, a lady like her in the middle of the Grand Line. Is there a reason for her to be on sea?

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