4. Forgetting the Unforgettable♥️

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Please watch the video AFTER reading this chapter^^
If you do... you won't understand a thing...

Chapter 4: Forgetting the Unforgettable
♠️Memory: 15 years ago

Once I have killed this man, I will slice up those other two. If I'm quick, I maybe can catch up with the captain of the pirate crew. Well, captain from the, soon, all dead members. My fingers traced over the neck from the man in front of me, his breathing was unsteady as an human who just caught air.

I had his throat in my hands a few moment ago, so I thinks that's the reason behind it. "P-Please..." He can still talk? Impressive. I turned the man around, eventually his eyes met mine.

"I hate getting blood on my clothes." I started, while holding my gaze on the scared male. "I mean seriously, I hate it. It's quite the job to get the blood strains removed." The man looked at me horrified. "So... my point is. I will let you live," The man's eyes lit up. What cute.

"If you kill those two men." My index finger pointed into the direction, where two unconscious men lay on the ground. With my free hand I cocked his head to where I was pointing at. His face showed, again, an horrified expression.

If he thought he could get away this easily, then that means pigs will never be able to fly. Poor pigs. "If you run, scream or anything what doesn't involve murdering people..." Slowly but with a big smile on my face, I moved my thumb across my throat. "You. are. dead."

He was still staring at me, like a statue. "Understood?" With a gulp he stood up, his knees almost giving up under him. His mind was going crazy, realizing he had to kill two of his crew members. I'm too cruel... I love it.

Before I could do anything, my body got swept up, ending up laying on the ground. "...get your friends out of here." I guess, I'm excluded by that sentence. With my eyes pointed to the sky, a few birds passed while a smoke stream started to block the beautiful view.

My eyes traveled up, following the stream of smoke. A boy stood behind me, dressed in a Marine uniform. Ughh... the Marines. In a second I was standing before the boy, who clearly didn't expect my sudden movement. His light blue/green hair was the first thing what caught my eye.

He stood steady on his feet, looked at me like I was garbage. A dramatical failure. Why? Because of the little cigaret he had in his mouth. The thing what ticked me off the most, was that smirk on his face. Like it was stuck on there forever. "I may look weak, but don't get fooled by my appearance."

My voice got stronger by every word, like I once believed what I said. Normally, I would promise myself something, like tomorrow I'm going to do something useful! Didn't happen once. Without noticing he had handcuffed me, handcuffs from Seastone.

~The out of control killer slowly drowned in a slumber, its conscious drifting away. Feeling being ripped apart, like the massive amount of power was finally being controlled by the user itself.~

"You have to come with me, these handcuffs are for your own safety." I stared at my hands, who were next to each other, unmovable. "We have heard from you, Devil's Grin." My eyes went straight to his, blinking a few times of confusion.

What? "Sorry, what did you say? I thought I had heard the most ridiculous name ever." Devil's Grin? I know I smile a lot, but assuming it's from the Devil? Idiots. I had myself caught up in my thoughts, thinking about who came up with this name.

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