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Music^: Naaz- Words
+Picture of Akari

Three months ago

I guess it's now officially an accepted part of my life. Once being left behind and eventually leaving others behind... because of my selfish reasons. I left Smoker, Mihawk, Doflamingo and Crocodile behind. Now I think about it, things has become like this because I chose my 'oh so wise' path.

If I just stood still for a moment, then I maybe wouldn't have ended up on this unknown ship. 'The Red Hair Pirates' that's how they call themselves. Never heard of it. The captain of this ship is quite... special? Even if he has one arm, he acts reckless. I have observed him for the past week and everything surprises me so far.

His breath smells like booze, he is lazy as my dead grandmother, who I in fact never knew. Except he is also very kind and understanding. The red headed man gave me a wooden ground to stand on, instead of letting me drown, and insisted of helping me to recover. He is a... one kind of a man?

Patience plays a big role on this ship. Only for me actually. The crew already drank a few night in a row, 'because my energy was now almost 50 percent'. I don't mind them partying... but I'm quite thirsty for a stronger drink than just water. By the way, if he says no, he literally means no.

Two nights ago I wanted to drink a bottle of sake, which I stole out of the kitchen, but before I knew it... the one-armed man had already taken it from me. He told me that I shouldn't drink that, his words not mine, while I was still recovering.

My skin stays this pale, my body just needs some food and for my heart... yeah... there can be a problem about the heart part. If that's all fixed, 'then' I can drink again. What a joke! Of course I won't listen to a man. Not without a good reason.

He cares a lot about his nakama, if I see how much he cares for a total stranger. There are more things on this ship to laugh about than to be angry. Booze and laughter is the answer to peace, while they travel from island to island.

I guess it isn't that hard to travel with them after all. They will give me the opportunity to think about something else than the past, the future for once, and my search to mom will be on a larger scale.

Talking about scales. Should I tell them I ate a Devil Fruit? I know these pirates already thought that when they saw me in the barrel, but I'm a guest on their ship. So, manners are still counting. Even on the sea.

"Hello everyone, I just want to thank you for bluuuh!" Too much standard stuff! Maybe something like, "I'm Akari, nice to meet you all now properly, sadly I'm already in my mid-thirties and-" aaaand I sound like a Marine. Not going to work.

"Thanks for saving me, I'm truly thankful to you guys. If there is anything I can do in retu-" but what if they want me to do 'things'. Like helping them- You know what? I will just go to the captain and look into his cheerful but determined eyes, tell him that I own him a debt.

If something goes wrong, I will fight them. If nothing happens and I can still state I'm standing here willingly, then there will be no problem. So, find the muscular and attractive red headed, talk to him while drowning in his eyes and- Where is my mind heading to?

I can't think like that, I mean I was married for One Piece's sake! Not officially, but the promise was sealed with a kiss! It was maybe more than six years ago, but... I still can't move on, can I?

The biggest idiot on this ship is myself, I'm still faithful to an unofficial promise with the King of Dressrosa, even if I have met a few guys through the years... one-nightstands don't count...

I mean, Doflamingo doesn't even know we are married! It's just a stupid dream of mine, which never came true in the end. So, I hold on to a snapping rope, slowly ruining my own life with lies of my thoughts.

Did I just denied my own 'for your own good' reason? Did I just allow myself to love someone? It doesn't matter anyways. He probably has slept with a lot of women... okay that is nothing offensive, because I don't remember most of the names of the men I slept with myself...

I mean he likes to party and I like to drink with a bunch of people. Uhh- He must have, he, I think- never mind. I'm only a week on this ship and already thinking about a relation with the captain? I just have to be thankful for that non of them recognizes me, my safety goes first... he did call me sweetheart sometimes...

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