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Music^: Kap Slap- Gone
+Picture of Hikaru

6 years ago
Age 29
Mihawk: Age 35

The knife was pressing against the back of my neck, inches from cutting off my own hair. In the distance there was a tornado, moving sand around like feathers dancing in the air.

The sound of the river filled my ears, the water moved fast, sometimes seeing a fish swim by. The feeling of hot sand burning against the bottom of my feet, even sand scratching against my exposed skin.

A certain man stood behind me, watching me cut my hair, who once saw me grow it through a couple of years. I haven't see him for a few years, seeing he could now finally shave properly.

I had searched for Mihawk a few weeks ago, suddenly asking him something... after I walked away from a certain king... Even if I didn't really had the right to ask him something, because well.... I left him without saying anything!

Hawk Eyes accepted it to my surprise, eventually bringing me to Alabasta. I already passed that island many years ago, even past the reverse mountain, but I had to go back.

Just to finish something I wanted to do since the beginning. Finding Crocodile. Of course, finding mom was something I was doing through all the travels.I know I could have done it before, going to Crocodile, but either way it wasn't the right time, nor place.

The problem which held me back the most, was the Calm Belt. The still standing ocean currents, the briefly blowing wind and the Sea Kings swimming under the calm waters.

I never crossed those barriers, not that I easily could. So, I had to cross it to go back... but I had no ship... and I'm not strong enough to fight ten of those beasts at the same time.

Actually, this isn't the right time to go to Crocodile... I don't even understand my own feelings, not knowing why I took that sudden and recent decision. Well, it isn't important anymore!

"Chica?" The swordsman was still behind me, being concerned about the knife in my neck. Suddenly, I felt cold drops waters fall on my cheeks, rolling across my skin into the sand. Before it could touch the ground, it already disappeared into thin air.

Those drops were coming from my eyes, feeling my hands trembling with my hasty breathing. "I-I'm fine." A whimper was released by my voice, while I assured him I was alright. Of course, I'm not okay, but he doesn't have to know that. I already gave him enough trouble by my chosen actions in the past.

A hand was put on my shoulder, his way of showing that he won't ask questions about it. I wiped my tears away with my free hand, still holding the knife. It was not my knife, though. It was the one from Mihawk, a part of his necklace.

Why can't I move? Why can't I just do it?! I never had to cut it completely, only the out grown strands of my white hair, when I was by the Marine. Now I just have to cut off my long hair, a part of my true identity. It isn't a big deal.

Just something I haven't done in my life, taking away my identity. I can go to Crocodile with my normal hair length, showing me I had left the island. That I still went after him, even if he warned me not to.

Except I already made enough trouble, I already took too much time away by the people who could have used that time better. If he is happy, I will also be happy. If he is living his life, I won't interrupt him.

"Let me do it." Mihawk said with a soft chuckle leaving his mouth. His hand, which laid on my shoulder, went to the knife. Slowly and carefully he took it away from me, releasing my grip from the weapon.

I closed my eyes, being slightly scared. I didn't see him slash the knife past me neck, missing my skin by a few inches. I know he can wield swords like a legendary person, but I still felt uncomfortable. I trust him with whole my heart and soul, so why would I doubt him?

So, eventually I opened my eyes. My golden eyes traveling to the beautiful, but deadly, sight in front of me. The endless amount of sand, the wind taking it away to far places. Being able to destroy houses, cities and even the lives of the people.

The sound of thick threads being cut made me sigh, feeling the weight leave my shoulders. Psychically and mentally being able to breath again. The bright, long and recognizable strands of white hair went past my eyes, seeing a part of me fly away.

My long hair gave me more possibilities by fighting, like giving me balance, being an extra weapon, also having a purpose as a shield. It felt more save. Now, I was exposed to the dangerous world. Only my speed, sharp teeth and claws helping me further. Of course, my eyes were still able to look in the dark, but most of the fights were in daylight.

"You can just say thank y-" "Thank you. For everything." With those fragile but steady words, I left Mihawk behind after interrupting him. Letting him stand alone by the river, his hat covering his bright but concerned eyes. I truly meant it, thanking him for all the time he gave me...

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