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Music^: Mansionair- Easier (Cloak & Dagger Soundtrack)
+Picture of Mihawk

12 years ago
Age 23
Mihawk: Age 29

As I walked from my bedroom to go to the bathroom, I saw a certain male trying to shave his beard in the mirror. His golden eyes were reflecting the light, which was indirect pointed into his eyes by the mirror. He seemed concentrated, but slightly irritated.

He was wearing his white blouse, just as his black pants and black boots. Doesn't he have some night clothing? Not that I can imagine him in a pajama... but he has more outfits, right?

"What are you doing?" I asked as a gawn escaped my mouth, while stretching my arms to wake up a bit, adjusting my sight to the bright light. I tried to held one eye closed to prevent a headache of the burning light. The lamp lit up every corner of the bathroom, killing every piece of shadow.

His eyes were still on the knife, which he tried to cut his beard with, not wanting to make a wrong move. The knife was a part of a necklace, which he always wears around his neck. Not did he only use it to shave his beard, but sometimes even to eat his food. I just hope he cleans it after stabbing a person to death...

After he drew an 'almost' straight line along his cheek, Hawk Eyes put down his knife and started to look straight at me. Slightly gazing at my pajamas, noticing my top was maybe too loose. As fast as he could he looked away, his eyes on the knife, mumbling something under his breath. "What are you doing here?" He asked back, still not looking me in the eyes.

His fingers were around the little knife, putting a lot of pressure around it once he tightened his grip. Mihawk didn't expected me to wake up in the middle of the night, maybe because I never show myself once I wake up. Thinking I would simply sleep the whole night.

"Well, I just wanted to go to the toilet.... but I see you are busy.... need any help?" Without waiting for an answer I walked up to him, taking away the knife of his hands. It wasn't the first time I had helped someone with shaving. Crocodile was terrible at it in the beginning, but through time he eventually could do it himself. Sometimes I still helped him, though.

"Let me do it." He still looked away, not quite accepting he was just terrible at shaving. Slowly at every stroke I took, his eyes went to mine, looking at me through the mirror. Maybe he has to grow a mustache, not much but just enough to complete his badass look. Now he looks quite young, even if he is already at the end of his mid-twenties.

I gave a little smile in return, knowing he was looking at me through the mirror while my eyes were focused on shaving his beard. "You can just say thank you... you know." Teasing him a bit, after noticing he haven't spoken for a few minutes.

He learned me to fight, yes... but we don't know much about one another. Not that we both want to know each others' past in details, except it feels like looking at a stranger. Someone you only talk to if you want something from them.

As the last stroke was taken, I took a step back, eyeing the masterwork. "Done." Before I could do anything else, he already disappeared. Leaving me alone in the bathroom at 3am in the morning.

Even if my eyes were now completely used to the bright light, I was still very tired. Yesterday we were back from a mission... we were sailing for two weeks! My butt hurts from all the sitting on the wooden floor! I'm going to buy a chair...

The next day, with my full surprise, there was a note. A note next to a plate, which was decorated with all kinds of food. Sandwiches with some eggs and a glass of milk. Except, the note was even better than the food. A simple note with the words; Thank you. He is kinder than I had thought.

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