Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter 27

"Sam... Where am i going to go... I have nobody..." I said after i calmed down.

Sam was still holding me.

"I don't know..." Sam said.

"I'll just stay here tonight... I have enough money." I said.

He let me go.

"Skyler don't waste your money here. I'll pay for it." Sam said.

"Sam, I couldn't do that. And that's why I have money." I said.

"Skyler, please."


"And don't spend the money. It's good to have for trips and stuff like that, ok?" Sam said.

"Ok." I said.

"Thank you." I said.

We got up. Sam paid for a room and went up with me.

"I have to go and..."

"Don't tell Hunter." I said interrupting him.

"He doesn't need to know where I am..." I said.

"I won't. But Skyler... Stay safe... Please." Sam said.

He handed me a couple twenties.


"No. Skyler take it. Buy some food. I love you." Sam said.

He gave me a hug and left.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I put some clothes on and went to bed. I woke up the next morning. I pulled myself out of bed.

I threw some clothes on and grabbed my purse with the money Sam gave me. I went down to the front desk.

"Hi. I..." I started.

"You can stay here as long as you need." The guy said.

"I..." I pulled out all Sam's except one twenty.

"Take it. Please. It's all I have and I don't want to be a person who doesn't pay." I said.

"You really d..."

"He doesn't need to spend all that money on me." I said.

"Ok." The guy said and took the money.

"I'll be back soon." I said and walked out the hotel door.

I needed some food. I went to the closest Walmart. I bought some raviolis and some cheap TV diners. I used the rest of the money. I went back to the hotel and up to my room. I heated up some raviolis and sat at the table and ate them. The phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Skyler, you're still ok, right?" It was Sam.

"I'm good. I bought some food and I'm staying here till I can find a place and Sam, you didn't need to do that." I said.

"It was the least I could do. I feel so bad."

"I gave the guy most of the money. I still have some... Of yours." I lied.

"Just stay..."

"Skyler..." Someone took the phone from him.

"Skyler, I'm..."

"Don't Hunt..." I said interrupting him.

"Let me talk for a minute... Please." Hunter sounded so hurt.

"Fine." I said and waited.

"Skyler it wasn't my fault. Rachel... She p..."

The electricity went out. I threw the phone on the ground. I ate the rest of my food and just say there.

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