After the End~(Prologue pt.1)

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...He could feel his limbs becoming numb, was this how Philip felt? Slowly drifting away from his life? Eliza was begging him to stay, he couldn't say anything. He could only watch as the world slowly faded to a hazy black. His body felt heavy yet light as he drifted, his mind went to all his fallen friends and family 'Philip..... John...... Washington.... Mama...... I'll be there with you on the other side soon....'

Alex felt nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing. Was this death? An endless void to drift in? No... no, no, that can't be true! He wanted to see everybody again! His son! His best friend! His commander! His mother! This can't be it! He started crying, if he could still cry, he was crying for a while until he heard a voice cut through the silence "DAD!" Philip?! Another voice "Son, get up!" Washington?! Where were they?! Then another "Hamilton! C'mon get up!" John! That was John! Where were they? Were they around him? Then one final, familiar voice that brought him to tears again "¡Mi hijo! ¡Por favor despierta! ¡Por favor!" Mama.... Mama, she was there! She really was-wait, wake up? What did she mean? Was he asleep? Was he having a nightmare? He thought about it and slowly tried opening his eyes.

Bright lights smacked him upside his face and he was confronted with his son's face right in front of his. "PHILIP!!! MY SON!!" He lept up and grabbed him, bringing him into a death hug. "DAD!" Philip responded by returning the hug. Fighting through the tears he saw everyone he had heard prior making him cry even more. "Alexander, good to see you awake son." Washington came up to him and gave him a hand standing up. "Sir, good to see you looking better than ever. Then again, who wouldn't after they die?" Alex laughed. John came up to him, planting a solid smack to the back "Nice being able to talk to you again Alex!" Hamilton gave an equally solid handshake with tears pricking his eyes "John... I can't believe that I can see you again." 

He finally stopped talking with his friends he turned to his mother. "Mamá..." She smiled and welcomed his embrace. "Mi hijo... mira lo lejos que has llegado." He smiled back, even more blubbery than before "Madre, te he echado mucho de menos." they stayed like that for a while, just crying into each other and talking about who was more happy to see the other. 

After who-knows-how-long a new voice made itself known "Well, glad to see everyone getting along!" Alexander turned suddenly, the others seemed to know already who it was. It was a man, he had medium build with stunningly bright blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. He wore white robes that were fastened together with golden pins and a gold belt. His looks were nothing compared to the shimmering gold wings extended from behind him. He spoke with a gentle yet jubilant air."Good to finally meet you face to face Alexander. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Michael, one of god's closest archangels." He reached out and shook his hand. 

Hamilton looked to the others, clearly confused. Washington spoke up "We were just as confused as you are son, but he told us that all of us are needed and that he would explain more when 'everybody is back together'. Honestly, I think this has something to do with the war or congress." Michael looked to him "And right you are my good sir! Y'see; god has another plan in store for all of you, weather you be revolutionarys who fought in the war or congressmen who established new laws and declarations." He pulled away from the firm handshake "But 'nuff said, we don't have everyone who needs to be here." With that he pulled out a silvery stopwatch. "They just need a little more time." 

Michael opened the watch with a small click. "They should be here soon." A warm, gentle, breeze began to blow. Alex closed his eyes, just feeling the wind made him feel welcome and comforted. Not even five minutes after his eyes closed they opened to reveal everyone he had left behind when he died. Jefferson, Madison, Lafayette, Hercules, Angelica, Peggy, Aaron, and his wife, Eliza. His eyes fell on her, the one who was closest to him when he died. "Eliza..." She whipped around and stared, shocked to see him again. "Alexander! My Alexander!" They collapsed into each other's arms and cried. "I missed you so much!" "I know, I know, I'm sorry I left you like that Eliza and I promise that it will never happen again." They pulled away after a short moment. After friend and family alike reunited they turned to the angel in the room.

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