Chapter 7 ~ Good Morning New York

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Good god I love sunrises🌇😆

Eve woke up with very little recollection of yesterday's events. What happened again? She went to get up when she saw two girls sleeping on her floor. What the...! Oh wait.... riiiiight. Now it was coming back to her. The founding fathers are sleeping in her house...... yyyyeeeeep, that didn't sound weird. Nope, completely normal. 

She slipped past the sisters and made her way to her kitchen. Walking out to the living room she looked to the floor and.....




She does nonetheless........


She silently, as to not wake the two men, walked to the kitchen. Grabbing a mug she set it in the coffee machine and started it up. Eve heard a scratching at the window, she knew who this was, she opened it and a small black kitten with a white spot on one side hopped from the windowsill and onto the counter. "Where were you yesterday young miss?" She asked the tiny kitten. It mewed in response. The coffee was done and Eve took the mug out of the machine. Setting it on the counter she went to the fridge to get some cream when another man entered the room. 

"Good morning love. Early to rise I see?" Washington, who else? "I'm always up at six forty sir. It's just my natural clock. How was your sleep Mr. Washington?" She was still wary of his nickname for her but really, how could she argue with the first president of the USA? "Amazing, I've never slept on a better bed and that's saying something." "Well, that's great. Really you probably needed the sleep." Evelyn grabbed a mug that read '#done with this' and motioned towards him. "Coffee?" George looked at the machine, slightly perplexed, that's when it hit Eve, coffee machines weren't around and if they were, they weren't this high tech "Here, it'll help you wake up. Trust me." She put the cup in and started the machine again. 

The kitten on the counter walked up to Washington and leaned up to him. George, being the cat lover he was, picked up the tiny creature and started petting her. "Is this yours?" The kitten curled up in his arms and started purring in content. "Yep, thats Lucy. I got her a month or so back." She went back to getting her cream while Washington was giving Lucy all the love his inner cat lover could hold. The second mug of coffee was finished and Eve handed it to him. "If it's too strong for you there's cream or milk and sugar to help with the taste." Putting the cat down he thanked her and took a small sip, his face scrunched up a bit but slowly relaxed. "Very powerful, would you mind handing me the carton love?" She obliged and George proceeded to add a small amount of cream to his coffee, taking another sip he relaxed more. "Much better. Thank you love" Evelyn gave a small nod "Your welcome, call me Eve please." "Point taken Eve love." He chuckled to himself at her face, she looked just.... defeated. If you can't fight with Washington, why argue with him in the first place?

They talked a bit about the plan for the day when Aaron and Angelica came out to the kitchen. Angelica was wearing pink pyjama top and bottoms while Burr had put his coat and jabot back on. "Good morning you two, I take it you slept well?" Both agreed though Angelica was more vocal than Burr. "It was fantastic! And this sleepwear? The most comfortable things I've worn in a long time." The cat had already noticed the new pair and went up to them immediately. Burr was more of a cat person himself so he was fine when the kitten came up and rubbed up against him. He wasn't fine when Lucy climbed up his pant leg and coat and rested on his head. "Lucy! No! Get down off of Aaron right now!" But she stayed up there. Burr was less than amused, great, animals seemed to be attracted to him now when he preferred to be alone. Nice....

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