Chapter 20~ Aaron Ven-Burr-a: Pet Detective

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This has little to nothing to do with cats. Have some funny Burr stories because I'm depressing and need to stop torturing some of my fave characters.

Also, I hope you get the reference ^^^ it might be a bit obscure 

It was a chilly October morning when Washington suggested they take a walk outside. Everyone was in on it except for, maybe, three or four people. Tjeffs and Jmads were tired, Alexander hated the cold, and Philip had just been playing with Farley. After some negotiations, they all got out and circled the block, taking in the beautiful colours of fall and some funny moments where The Bois found a pile of leaves to run in and get scolded by the guy who had just raked them.

An hour or so later they returned home. Evelyn went to her room to do some work on Farley's cage when all of the sudden...

"HE'S GONE!! FARLEY'S GONE!!!" It brought everyone running to her room to find an empty cage and a distraught Evelyn. "Farley's what?!" "He wasn't in his cage when I went over! The door was left wide open! He's missing!" "Philip! Didn't I tell you to close the cage when you were done with him?" "What?! Pops I never-" "Don't deny it Philip! You were the last one to see Farley, weren't you?" "Yes but- I didn't- I closed the cage! I promise!" "I'm sorry Philip but I cannot exactly believe you after your first incident with him." "Please Dad! I'm innocent! You have to believe me! Mr. Burr, sir you believe me, right?!"

Aaron didn't want to get dragged into a family argument, lord knows he'd have had enough with Theadosia's parents and relatives of his own alike but his intrigue was caught here. Philip was an honest boy, he'd been pretty loose-lipped when they first met and he was a sleep-talker (Philip, you said something about a threesome in your sleep, care to explain?). He had trusted Burr rights away after they met and Burr could tell from his actions now he was, in fact, telling the whole truth. Yet, to see and hear Alexander fly off the handles like this at his son, accusing him.... it was surprisingly hard to listen to.

"Mr. Burr?" "Hm? Of course I believe you Philip. Alexander, maybe the cage door has become loose and the ferret simply got out himself?" Philip looked thankful but Alex had other ideas.  "Burr, you and I know that is absolute bs! (he loves today's abbreviations for words) If the ferret truly got out as you say, he would still be in the room!" Okay, Aaron had seen this kind of behaviour of Alex's, he was getting a bit defensive here. But why? There had to be more than what everyone was seeing at first glance. Philip was getting more and more distraught over his dads accusations, Burr had to do something before the kid had a heart attack.

".... Hamilton, mind if I do something?" "What?" "I'd like to investigate the scene of this 'crime' myself." "What?! Why?" "Something just doesn't seem right about what you're implying and the actions your son is doing right now. I only want to see if I can confirm this for myself." Alexander hesitated, "....Fine, go on ahead, but you'll prove nothing other than that I'm right." Strange, he never hesitated when he was confident before. Something is certainly afoot and Aaron was more than suspicious.

Investigating the room gave him little to go off of. The cage door was wide open and the mattress on the floor was deflated to the point where it looked more like a rug than a mattress. Something did catch his eye though. A few strands of dark hair were caught in the cage doors springs. They were long and straight, much like Eliza's but she had left the house before Philip did so she was off the suspect list. Assuming that the hairs came from Evelyn at one point, maybe when she brought out Farley in the first place, he continued forward. Looking around he found an elastic on top of the mattress, a black one, similar hairs were caught in it as well. Now this was a clue, Evelyn still had her hair up in a pony tail, a pile of elastics were always across the room on her desk but this one appeared to be a contradiction. She never just took out and left a band on the floor, this belonged to another. Making quick note of it he moved forward with his investigation.

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