Chapter 13~Cheesy Baguettes

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You can already tell who this chapter is about. It's just some angst I thought up one day so be ready for the tears to explode like an avocado in the microwave.... it's a long story

Also warning right now: there is STRONG dysphoric themes here as well as a panic attack so if you get triggered by those, don't read any further. This is you only warning. Thank you.

The Revolutionary boys decided to play Mario Kart alone after Alexander nearly hit Jefferson upside the head with the WiiU game pad in rage after a race where Tjeffs won. Thomas was not happy but moved to the other side of the couch not wanting to get beat by a man who had fought in a war and lived to be a huge asshole in congress.

 He resigned himself to cuddl- sitting in close proximity to Madison and wrapping his arms around the small man. Another thing he had to note about his "new" body was his arms, either they were longer and more toned or he was imagining things and never really looked at his old arms in that much detail. Whatever. Either way he didn't remember being able to get them all the way around Jemmy before but again, they never... embraced this much before and he could just be imagining things. However, one thing he knew he wasn't imagining was the similarities between him and Lafayette.

It was brought to his attention at day one but he never realized how similar they actually were until he thought about it more. They both stood at a similar height, one being and inch taller than the other at most, and were the same skin colour upon further inspection. It didn't stop there with them having the same kind of scruff along their face and a similar hair colour too, although Lafayette's looked to be a slight bit shorter and he had a different part but the curls were there as well. Their eyes were similar shades of brown with Thomas having more of a chocolate brown and Laf having a lighter hue. The weirdest thing was that if Thomas listened hard enough he swore his voice was almost the same as the french mans, just with a different accent.

It freaked him out slightly but he wanted to be absolutely sure about the fact they might be... twins? Maybe? He decided to do his own little test. He got up (much to James' disappointment) and made his way to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He got that feeling of dysphoria he'd had for the most part. Untamed curls, stubble, an unrecognizable face, a torso that wasn't his, and all the new colours that came with it, he was pretty certain that everyone else had experienced the same thing when they first saw themselves, Jefferson just hid it better. He sighed and opened the top drawer in the counter and picked up a magenta hair tie. Pulling his hair back with some difficulty he made himself a messy bun, looked in the mirror, and froze.

Lafayette was getting tired of hearing Alex, John, and Herc fighting over characters in the selection screen when he was finished picking yoshi for the round and decided to call it quits. He got up and was going to head into the bedroom where he slept when he heard a strained wimper come from the bathroom. Looking back and doing a quick headcount, the only person missing besides himself was Jefferson. They were great friends so it felt like an obligation to check and see if he was okay. He knocked on the door "Jefferson? Is everything alright?" No reply. He tried again "Thomas? Are you hurt?" Still no reply. Lafayette got the feeling in his gut saying that something was terribly wrong and without a second thought he walked in and closed the door.

"Thomas, are you doing alright mon ami? I thought I heard someone..." he stopped dead in his tracks and had to do a double take. He was staring at a mirror image of himself. His bun, his eyes, his face. The man staring back at him... Thomas had a... scared look to him? His eyes were wide and was whimpering uncontrollably now. He looked like he might pass out and he almost did. He backed up after another minute of staring at him and became extremely pale, he stumbled and almost lost his footing had Lafayette not caught him in time. 

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