Chapter 11~ Dreams of Fantasy

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This is a long ass chapter to be prepared. Also, Get ready for the ship train BOIIIIIIIIII🛳🚊❤️💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈😏 (I'll stop now)

The group went to sleep, Madison and Jefferson were cuddling on the couch then hit the sack in each other's arms. The dreams they dreamed were things they never thought they would dream in a million years.

John's dream:__________________________________

John awoke to the sound of someone banging on his door. He jumped, looking around he seemed to be in an attic. His clothing was torn and dirty with patches here and there. Some lady came in, barking at him to clean the floor and wash the dishes before they went to a ball. She left as quickly as she came. He stood there confused for a minute but then realized he must be having a dream...... 

So then why was this sounding like the plot to Cinderella?

He went downstairs and was pushed into the kitchen by two other boys that looked eerily similar to Charles Lee and Samuel Seabury. He did as he was told because they said they would beat him if he didn't, just out of spite for the two, he spit on the cookies in the cookie jar and gave two to the pretentious bastards. If he couldn't be happy, he would be evil to those he didn't like.

Going back upstairs after three hours of work he saw a long scruffy mouse on the stairs that had it's tail caught in a trap. "Oh jeez, here let me just..." he freed the mouse who in turn climbed up his sleeve and nestled against his neck. He walked into his room to find a cute pink and blue dress on a manikin in the corner. A mouse with a headband on was holding a needle and thread. The first mouse went and hugged the other. John could tell this had to be Laf and Hercules. "Thanks guys but... do I have to wear a dress?" They nodded and John sighed. "This is what I get for taking up Herc's dare." He slipped it on and went out and down the stairs with two mice hidden in the folds of the dress. 

He got downstairs, got ridiculed for wearing a dress, had it torn up, was told to stay home, got a smack to the face, and he ran off to hide the fact he was crying. So what if he wore a fucking dress? His friends made it for him! Speaking of friends, they were trying to comfort him with squeaks of condolences and just going through his hair as if they were stroking him. Not exactly the best thing to be in his hair but it made him feel a little bit better. Then he felt an actual hand caress his head.

 "Child, what's the problem?" Was that Peggy? "Um... I can't go to the ball and they said a man can't wear a dress but-" "OH HELL NO THEY DIDN'T!" "Ok, wow, Peggy, calm down-" "You know what? Let's show them who really looks good in a dress." With that she stood up, grabbed him, stood him up and waved her hand. In a few small seconds his torn dress was a beautiful  shimmery blue ball gown with surprisingly comfortable glass slippers. "Now we need transportation." she grabbed a pumpkin and turned it into a carriage. Wow, she was really mad about a man not being able to wear a dress. "I got horses but no coachman or footman, got any suggestions?" He looked and saw Laf and Herc practically begging in mouse-speak. He picked them up, "How about these two?" She glanced "They'll do, put them down boi." He set them down and in the blink of an eye, Lafayette and Hercules were standing as themselves in white attire, looking at themselves in an amazed fashion. "Oooooo, the one with the bandana I might just keep for myself." Peggy gave a sassy wink, Herc blushed, John just looked uncomfortable now because he was still a mouse in his dream, really? "Okay, you're free to go, but the spell ends at midnight, don't forget that. Also can you punch those two who said boys can't wear dresses? Thanks. Bye!" With that she vanished. The three just stood there for a minute. "So, can you understand us now?" "Yes Hercules, yes I can. Now let's get to the ball so I can see my soulmate!"

After Laf getting some impromptu teaching on how to drive a carriage they arrived. "Thanks you two! I'll see you soon! Don't go running off!" They waved and he made his way into the castle. The walls were a beautiful white and there were a lot of guards in the hallway. He made his way up the steps and into the grand ballroom. There was a snack table, dresses and tuxedos of all sorts, people were dancing, and the band was loudly playing a waltz. He sauntered around until he saw a group of girls crowding one place. Curious, he walked towards them, just then a man in a green tux and a red sash on shoved his way out of the crowd and fell on the floor in front of John. "Oh shit! Are you okay sir?" He helped the stranger up to his feet. The man's long hair blocked his face "Yes, I'm fine. Just can't get some peace and quiet here." He flipped his hair to reveal... "Alex?" John whispered to himself. "'Scuse me?" "Um, I said, now let's get away from this hassle." "Very true." Alex grabbed his hand and led him away from the crowd of disappointed women.

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