Chapter 5 ~ First dinner together again

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After they had finished looking at their looks (heh) Evelyn spoke up again. "So, now that we've all seen ourselves, is anybody hungry?" In fact, they were. How long had it been since they had something to eat? Way too long, that's how long. "I do believe that a meal is long overdue. Hey, can I suggest macaroni and-" Jefferson was cut off by Hamilton "Oh, god no! Please no! I've had more than enough of that crap just to get my debt plan through you." Great, right back at it again with the fights, oh boy... note to self: get counter measures for fights.  Okay. "Well, how about some.... soup? I could grate some cheese that could be sprinkled on top."  Everyone perked up at this "Sounds good love." Goddamnit Washington.

"Alright then! I'll get started on it." Eve got up and Eliza followed "I'll help as well." She seemed excited to help. "Uh... okay?" This was new, Evelyn hadn't cooked with anyone in years... years being six exactly. Peggy jumped on the train as well "Me too! I haven't been in a kitchen with my sisters for..... well, years!" Angelica was pretty much dragged into it as well. "Angie, you come too! We need some time back together and with the person that we'll be living with for awhile!" Peggy just dragged her into the kitchen leaving the men in the living room with the dog. 

The boys didn't know what to do so they resigned to either looking around the room or talking about what had happened after each other had died. Burr was getting a little tired having the dog on his lap but he didn't know how to get rid of him. He shifted from left to right, trying to get the dog to go on his own will but Brownie refused to budge. Aaron then tried to push him off himself but the dog only got up and hopped back up. He was about to resign to his fate when Philip, who had finished reading the book, came up to him. "Hi Mr. Burr! Sir, How's it going?" The puppy immediately took interest in Philip and lept off of Burr. He jumped onto Philip and started licking and smelling him "Hahaha! Hi puppy! What's your name? Mine's Philip." Aaron smiled, he was reminded of the first time he met Alexander. His son had the same excitement and energy as he did at that age. Like father like son he guessed.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, the girls were getting the soup ready. "How does.... creamy potato soup sound?" Evelyn had brought up her mothers cook book and was going through some simple soup recipes, potato soup looked easy enough. "Sounds perfect! I know for a fact that my Alex and Jefferson like their potatoes, it's the one thing they actually agree on." Everyone looked to Eliza "Since when did you know that?" Angelica asked, Eliza frowned "Since Alexander tried to invite him over for dinner. They fought over who was getting the last portion of mashed potatoes until I had to excuse them from the table before somebody got stabbed with a fork." A look of 'wtf' was shared between the other three. "Ooohh-Kay! Let's make extra just in case." Grabbing what they needed the girls began to cook, talking and laughing all the while as the sisters got used to the new kitchen setup.

After another hour the smell of potatoes and bacon (yes, there is bacon in this soup) began to waft out of the kitchen and into the dining room and living room. The boys had been bothering Laf and Thomas about how similar they looked when the smell hit them. "Smells like the girls really outdid themselves." John smirked. "That's my Mom for you!" Philip was more than ready to eat, he'd been dead for years! It was about time he had something home cooked. He rushed to the table only to be grabbed by his father at the waist. "Slow down Philip! They might not even be ready yet, give them time." Just then, Peggy emerged holding lots of bowls and spoons. "Is it ready?" Hercules asked. Peggy had to shake her head. "Not yet, but you could help by helping me clear off and set the table." "We'll gladly help miss Schuyler. Right boys?" Washington turned to the others, most nodded, Philip was more than eager "Sure thing aunt Peggy!" He took the bowls from her and started setting them up around the table.

The other boys moved the books and the box. Curiosity was a folly of Alexander's so he decided to take a look inside. He found many old papers, all had writing on them, in fact, the hand writing looked just... like....... his.......... oh my god, these were some of his old letters. He even recognized the dates! She had some of them? What?! This was a family-owned house, it makes sense that they had some of his documents. He quickly closed up the box and turned back to the table. 

There weren't enough chairs so they ended up using the chairs at the counter and the footrest as well. Finally the girls finished and came out with a large pot with a creamy looking whitish soup inside. Eliza was carrying a small bowl with grated cheese in it. They set it down on a hot pad and put the cheese next to it. "Okay, everybody grab a seat and dig in! But please be decent about it." They all sat down, Eliza next to Alexander, Philip next to his mother and Evelyn, Washington was on the other side of Alexander, Lafayette was next to the general as well as the rest of the soldiers, Hercules was on the end, Madison was next to Hercules, Jefferson was next to Madison, and Burr was next to both Jefferson and Evelyn. The rest of the Schuyler sisters sat next to Eliza.

They started eating, TJeff was hogging all the cheese. Washington was the one serving the portions just so no fights started, yes, fights can happen due to portions, trust him, fights have broken out because of a lot less. During the dinner, Brownie kept coming up to their seats and looking at them with a pitiful expression. No one really paid any attention except for Jefferson, who let the dog up onto his lap, Madison turned to pet the pup. "Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Evelyn warned, Thomas waved her off "Oh, come on, what can a tiny little dog do?" Then the dog licked his spoon, licked him, and licked Madison's spoon as well. Everyone laughed at the horrified faces of both men. "That. Brownie can do that. He caught me off guard the first time he did it too." James and Thomas dropped their spoons, Tom pushed the dog off and pulled his chair closer to the table. "Least he's not as bad as Hamilton with that stupid, non-stop, annoying mouth of his." Alex turned "You want to say that again?"

A ten minute argument later (it could've been longer but Washington and Eliza weren't letting it)  , new utensils, and a few more servings, they started talking to Evelyn more, getting to know her better as they would be living with her for a while. "So Eve," Philip was more eager to learn about her "Where are your parents? I really want to meet them!" Eve went ridged "Um... they...." she looked torn, Angelica noticed her odd behaviour. "It's fine if you don't want to talk about them. I know Alexander doesn't even want to talk about his." Alex was about to retort when "No, it's fine.... I... I'll never get over it if I keep holding on and bottling it up." A serious look was shared between the diners. Something had happened, hadn't it?

 Evelyn took a deep breath "My mother died from cancer, an illness that makes your body fight itself, when I was young. My dad....... he......*deep breath* he died about..... six years ago from..... multiple injuries. I've been living alone off and on since." A silence fell over the table. It got uncomfortable really quickly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this awkward. Just, you asked and I didn't want to be so quick to exclude you from getting to know me and ohgodthisisturningintoawreckimsorry..." Philip spoke up "No, I'm sorry." She turned to him "No, no, Philip it's fine, you were gonna find out anyway. Might as well come out now." Another silence was shared until a cry rang out "NO!! DOWN YOU DAMN MUTT!! THIS IS MY FOOD! FUCK OFF!!! CALL OFF YOUR CANINE!!!" Brownie had gotten back up onto Tjeff and was trying to get at the bowl of cheese that he had pretty much claimed. It cut the silence off with a welcome round of laughter. 

Looks like they could bounce back from seriousness quite easily.

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