Chapter 9 ~ Shopping in Hell

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Shopping seemed fairly easy at first; get in, buy clothes, maybe some lunch, and then get out... 

Not when you're shopping with twelve people from the seventeen to eighteen hundreds.

Everything was a new experience, the first store they went into Philip ran off after he saw something, what it was, they didn't know until two seconds later he returned with high heeled boots. "Here pops! You said that you love these kinds!" All the eyes in the store turned to them, Evelyn hid her face in her hoodie and Alex had caught on quickly that high heels and men don't mix well nowadays seen as many of the men outside and on the subway didn't have heels on. "Philip, please put those back. It's impolite to yell in stores and even more so when it's about someone else." "Well.... can I have them then?" Now it was even more awkward. After more going back and forth between father and son Pip begrudgingly put the boots back in the ladies footwear section.

They sauntered around a bit, letting the men look for things that caught their eyes. They marvelled at the fabric and how soft and flexible it was. "Well, that's modern ingenuity at work. Clothing is normally made out of cotton, silk, or polyester." "What's polyester?" "Alex no, we are not going to go through this again." The store they were in had lots of laid back style types of clothing. There was some sportswear and a section with an unknown amount of plaid flannel, another area had plain shirts mixed with tee shirts that had prints on them ranging from pictures to the words 'sexy and I know it' or an emoji on the front. Hercules, John, and Philip preferred these sections. John was more into the shirts with pics as well as Philip while Herc liked the flannel more. 

George found that thin, simple sweaters suited him nicely as well as slacks. They walked around a bit more and found an area with more formal clothing; ties, dress shirts, and the like. Aaron took interest in this area, choosing a few shirts and pants as well as two ties. "You don't want something more comfortable?" Evelyn questioned "There's lots of other kinds of clothes than just these." "I'm more than comfortable Miss Evelyn, I just prefer this 'style' as you call it." She gave him a questionable glance but let it slide after he picked a soft brown hoodie. They passed by the pyjamas and swim suits and Eve insisted that the men pick some sleepwear as well as some swim trunks, ladies too. Jefferson was skeptical "Why is this necessary? We can just swim with a shirt on right?" "Yes, but it's more appropriate to wear swim suits, especially for women." "And about that..." "Again, women got rights and styles changed." The girls were more than glad to see that clothing had changed and were happy to pick their own swimming suits.

They went by some shirts with french prints on them, Laf went for this as well as a tight fitting tank top, it was questionable but they let him have it because he looked so damn happy. Jefferson also grabbed a shirt with the words 'Amour France' that had the Eiffel Tower in the background. He was more into shirts with patterns while Madison went for plain shirts. Ham was into loose things, baggy pants and tee shirts, when walking into the shoe aisle he first went for flip flops when told to pick a pair of shoes. "Alex, no. It's September. It'll get cold. No. I'm sorry." They picked their shoes (Thomas no, how did you even find velvet shoes? Put them back.) and made their way to the checkout. After paying (the person at the counter loved conversing "So, prepping for family moving in?" Eve blushed, just nodded, and moved on with the payment) they left with a bag for everyone.

"I think that was successful, despite some.... things..." she was mentioning the first incident ( the one with the high heels) as well as another where Alex and Jefferson got into a fight that ended in a manikin on top of the two (Eve secretly bought a large shirt that said 'this is our get-along shirt' as well as a spray can for future occasions) and the time Herc dared John to to put a dress on (note to self: Never leave John, Hercules, or any of the revolutionary boys alone... and John looks damn good in a dress.) "but it turned out okay." They walked around for a bit, just taking in the sights of the city.

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