Chapter 3~ She knows your story

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When they got inside everybody rushed to what had happened. Evelyn had a small bruise forming on her forehead and a small cut on the bridge of her nose. Washington set her down on the couch and Angelica looked at her wounds. Eliza had picked up her books and papers after she had fallen, she set the papers on the table and one of the books with the title "American History" but stopped when she saw the other books title. "Alexander, you need to see this!" Alex walked towards his wife, she showed him the book and his eyes widened.

                                               "Hamilton the Revolution"

"Th-there's a book about me?" He stumbled over his words. What was the date?! How long had he been dead?!? The front cover held a star with the top point being a man with a finger pointing to the top. The cover was simple yet powerful. Flipping through were pictures of people who looked very similar to the others, one man caught his eye, a man with long dark hair, brown eyes, and stubble all around his mouth. He wore similar clothing but he was possibly a slight bit taller than Alex. The book detailed his history and a play about Hamilton, promptly dubbed 'Hamilton' because duh.

Alexander was stunned. He had a book written about him.... A BOOK!! And his descendent had read it! Holy Shit! He nearly lost himself again before he noticed that a few other people had taken interest in the book as well, mostly just Burr, Jefferson, John, Philip, and Lafayette. "Oh come on! Hamilton gets a book written about him? What about me? I did so much for America!" Thomas, of course started complaining and John was getting real tired of his shit already "Hey yo, shut up I'm tryn' to read here!" Philip was also trying to read but was having issues being one of the shortest and in the back. "Pops, can I see the book once you're done? I wanna read it too!" "Now, now Philip, this is her book, ask her when she's awake." He got a groan of annoyance but he walked away anyway. Philip had developed some kind speech pattern with him using slang like John was using now, it had to have come from the change was what Alex had reasoned but he could be wrong.

He set the book onto the table and walked towards the girl; Evelyn. Angelica was sitting next to her, she had pulled her hair back and had used some tissues from a tissue box nearby to make a makeshift bandaid. Washington was standing by as well. He sat next to her "Is she okay?" Angelica didn't turn to him but answered nonetheless "Yes, she's fine, just a little beat up. She'll wake up soon, hopefully."  He nodded, they sat in silence for a bit. "You know; she looks a lot like you." Both turned to Washington. "Sir?" George glanced up to them "She looks like you son, she has your cheekbones, eye shape, and face shape, her hair also has a similar look to it too, thick, long, and dark. Honestly, I wouldn't ask questions if you said she was your daughter." 

Hamilton turned to her again. He hadn't seen his own face yet but looking at her.... he couldn't help but feel like he had seen her before. Had he....? No, no, he hadn't. Then he looked to Philip, he had similar features to her too, face shape, eye shape, hair colour and thickness, he even looked to be a similar height to her as well, they could've been brother and sister had she been born when he was. He thought back to when he gained her trust, she held herself in a very timid manner, panicky even. Her glasses had extenuated her bright green eyes. Her glasses were on a side table, Eliza had picked those up too. He felt some form of pride wash over him, this was his descendent, his bloodline was carried on until it created her, a beautiful young woman living on her own,...maybe. He didn't know yet. Judging by only two coats on the coat hanger she was the only resident of the house.

About ten minutes in, Evelyn started to stir. Her vision was blurry but she could tell she was in her house. She tried to get up but something pushed lightly on her chest. Looking up, a blurry brown and pink figure was looming over her "Shhh, you need to take it slow. You really got hit didn't you?" The voice whispered. It was kind and gentle, almost motherly. Shaking her head a bit to clear the fog in her mind she spoke in the first language that came back to her "Mamá ... ¿Puedo tener mis gafas, por favor?" 

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