Chapter 15~ Frantic Ferrets and Facial Freakouts

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Above is Farley the ferret, be ready for fucking chaos.

It had been twenty minutes after the trio left for groceries and things were normal.... kinda.

The boys were watching TV with Peggy, Alex got bored just looking through the internet so he investigated the bookshelf in the hallway. Eliza was on the computer with Angelica looking at different women's rights movements over the years. Philip was playing with the dog and the cat was sleeping on Lafayette's lap.

At one point Hercules got hungry. He got up and sauntered his way to the kitchen, for some reason however,  he felt as though he was being watched. He got to the fridge and opened it only to remember.... he barely knew what was what. He could tell the fruits and vegetables but other than that, he was fucked. He grabbed a celery stick, washed it off, and went to the table to see what the girls were doing, all while feeling like he was stalked by someone's gaze. Finally the feeling got so oppressive he had to look up and see who was staring at him. He looked around only to see that Madison was the one staring back at him. His dark eyes followed his movements quite closely. 

It took an awkward moment of the both of them staring at each other until James made a move. Slipping from Jefferson's loose hold on the small man, he walked towards Herc until they were eye to eye.... then again, Hercules was sitting and Madison was standing sooo.... yeah "Um... is there a problem here Mr. Madison, sir?" Herc pulled out a chair for the other to sit. He took it "No sir Mr. Mulli-" "Please, call me Hercules." "....*ahem* Very well, call me James then. I just couldn't help but notice the fact that we as people, look identical." There was another moment before Herc gave a stifled snicker "Excuse me? Um.. I don't really mean to discredit you in any way but... have you seen yourself? We are obviously not the same height or build like in Lafayette and Mr. Jefferson's case and really-" Madison grabbed his shoulder "Believe me, I didn't thinks so either at first but after looking more in detail I can say for certain that it is true." 

Hercules was still skeptical. They were very different people. True, they had the same skin and hair colour but really? Madison was a very slender and frail man while Herc was more of the walking definition of 'don't fuck with me if you don't want to go to the ER'. He was massive compared to James, something he wasn't really used to now. He already had nearly slapped Johns arm off after trying to high-five him and had a hard time grabbing some small items because of his hands being fucking huge, yet he still kept the nimble grace he had been praised for as a tailor. Madison on the other hand, fit the bill of a sickly man. His small frame and dark circles under his eyes made him look as though he needed a sandwich and sleep. Even then, he retained his attention to detail and quick mind when it came to being logical.

Though Herc was still not very convinced he was intrigued by the thought. "....Would you like to confirm your suspicions with me then?" He stood up and Madison joined, again, showing off his tiny 5'4 height and Hercules staggering 6 feet. "What do you propose we do.... Hercules?... I prefer to call you Mulligan, sorry." "No problem, call me what you want then Jem." "Jem? What-" "Never mind that, fact is, if we are, as you say identical, then we must be able to see it in a mirror, correct?" Madison nodded "Agreed." "Well, them if we see both each other in the mirror then we'll be able to see the similarities at the same time, thusly, affirming your proposal." James was surprised by his reasoning but he did make a solid case. "Well then, what are we standing here for?" The two walked to the bathroom with suspicious looks from Thomas, Lafayette, and John, Alexander had rejoined the bunch on the couch and was too busy getting mad over a fucking prissy bride wanting her cake done a very pompous way.

The men lined up in the mirror, not even bothering to shut the door, and took a gander at the reflection shown. Madison was floored, Herc didn't give much of a damn but was a bit amused by the sight. They were as James had said, identical, just on a different level that is. Their heights and body types made for an interesting effect when both compared. Hercules just had to let out a giggle when he thought of something. "*snirk*" James snapped his head over to the other. "You find this funny? Mulligan, we look like one and the same! Why are you-?" He didn't have much time to talk before Herc got an idea. "Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, I- I just, I gotta try this.*pffffft*" he undid his bandana and let the hair it had been holding back, which wasn't much, loose and tied it around James' head, pushing up his hair and exposing his hairline.

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