Chapter 21~ Meet the boyfriend

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Ohh shit, this where we get introduced to Tyler!

I've changed a few things about him but his general character has not changed. He's just got more of an angsty backstory now, think... J.D. from Heathers but not as insane and with a lot more floof. Anyway, here he comes!

Evelyn hadn't really talked much about her personal life since their first dinner. She just wanted to leave it at her mom and dad were gone. End of story. However, she forgot to mention that when she went to college she did make friends. Very good friends that had a tendency to pop up at the most inconvenient of times. 

One of these friends was her boyfriend of six years.

Eve had been texting him while this was all going on but had neglected to tell him what exactly was happening in her life that, no, she can't visit this weekend because of it.

So you can imagine an evening where Evelyn was busy with George in the kitchen and the doorbell rings with a combination of knocks that she couldn't hear that lead to some confusion and awkward questions. Alex got up from his riveting game of "point out the bullshit in this show" and went to answer the door.

He opened up to a young man, mid to early twenties, with long, curly, dark auburn hair stuffed under a beanie that had a picture of.... something, he didn't know what, freckles dotted his face, he had a black jacket on, ripped jeans, black shoes, and piercings in his ears with brown eyes, extremely tan skin (more tan than Alex but not Washington levels of tan) and what looked to be a bruise on his knuckles that was still healing. He had a bag from Taco Bell in one hand, a black and dark blue backpack in the other, and two precariously perched drinks on the rails on the porch. Really, he looked sketchy beyond all measure.

"Yo, E! Look, I got coupons for two free bean burritos, brought over my old consoles and some classic games, you wanna chill for.... a......" it was then that the man looked at Alexander in total shock. "Um...., sorry, uh, who are you?" Alex knew this guy would know Eve had no father so he said the only reasonable thing he could think of. "I'm her uncle. I've just moved in." 

The kid looked about ready to shit himself.

"Alex, who are you- Oh God! Tyler! What are you doing here?!" Evelyn ran out of the kitchen, leaving Washington with a pot of mashed potatoes that had yet to be mashed. "Hey! Lil' E! How you doin'?! I got coupons for burritos and thought of game and chill but uh... you're busy with your uncle so.." "Uncle? Who.... Alex." "Who's this guy? What are you doing together?" "None of your business! That's what!" "Can we have burritos and chill now?" "Tyler, can I talk to you on the porch?" "About burritos?" "Drop the burritos." "On the floor?" "Tyler!!" "I'm joking! I'm joking, hang on." He placed the bags on the floor. "Alex, can I talk with my boyfriend in private please?" "What exactly are you going to be talking about?" "Alexander..." "Fine, I'll leave." He walked back into the house and closed the door only to come face to face with an annoyed wife.

"....... I can explain-" "Talk. Our room. Now."

The conversations go as follows:

Evelyn and Tyler:

"Why are you here?!" "Because burritos?" "No, just, I thought you lived-" "I moved." "You what?" "I moved to New Jersey to be closer to family and my favourite history book." "That was the cheesiest thing you've ever said." "Heh, yeah, anyway, relatives moved in?" "Umm... kinda.." "Kinda?" "....Can I tell you something?" "Sure?" "You cannot tell anyone else about this." "Well if I do I'll probably be high on a subway singing 'Blue' from The Heathers." "You're still on prescription weed?" "It's either that, go back to inhalers and pills, or die from lack of oxygen. I'd like to enjoy my time on this earth with you sooo, yeah." "You have to be high around me?" "Woah there, out of context, not what I meant." "Whatever, look, that guy, that just called himself my uncle?" "Freaked me out, yeah?"

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