Chapter 1~ Where and who?

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....Everything felt weird... like it wasn't like this before.

Alexander had never felt like this before. His body felt extremely tingly, young even and the floor was.... soft? He tried to think back, what happened before this?.... Oh! Right, heaven, Michael, New life, the conditions of said new life. Now he remembers...... so where is he? Alex opened his eyes and was assaulted with a bright light. He sat up and covered his eyes only to realize that the light was coming down from the ceiling. He moved his hands away only to see that something had changed. His skin was more olive than the pale white it had been. He nearly panicked but then he remembered one of the conditions "Your appearance may change..." okay, great, he didn't look like himself, whatever, he didn't give enough of a damn about his look or his health before, why should he care now?

Anyway, he sat up and took a look around. He seemed to be in a house. The living room and the dining room were conjoined, there was no wall between the two. There was a couch sitting against the wall that looked to be made out of leather. A large black rectangle was hanging on the wall and it appeared to be made of glass. A fireplace was to the right of the rectangular glass that held pictures on the top of it. The walls were beige but faded to a lighter shade in the dining room. There was a circular, wooden table with six chairs. The table was a light brown with a few books placed on it that he couldn't read the titles of. A box of old looking papers was sitting on a chair in front of him. There was a small vase with a selection of white and blue flowers on the table as well. There was also a hallway in between the rooms that was to the west of Hamilton. A door that led out (most likely) was on the same wall as the couch. A small table was on the end of the couch that held some kind of light source, another one was in the middle of the floor and looked to be made of the same leather as the couch.

There was some kind of device on the table beside the light source. It was small and had the same black glass as the rectangle on the wall. This tiny rectangle was outlined in white and had a small indent at the bottom of it in the shape of a circle. Near the dining room was a long rectangle carved out of the wall with four more chairs of a different style. The rectangle cut out had a counter on it with a bowl and spoon on one end of said counter. There was a door next to the rectangle that most likely lead inside. Peering inside he could see some kind of kitchen inside. Overall, the place he was in seemed to be a home of sorts.

While he was still in his own wonder a groan sounded out behind him. He jumped up and looked behind him to find eleven other people with him. All in clothing from the era that they had come from. Yep, there was everybody else but they all looked different. The man who had groaned was of darker skin, he had a thin layer of black hair and an intelligent face. He wore a burgundy coat along with a jabot. Black boots and white pants completed his look. He studied his surroundings before turning his attention to Alexander. He stopped short, backing up a bit before taking a closer look at him, eyes narrowing in concentration, like he was trying to determine who he was looking at. After a bit his eyes widened again, he then spoke "Alexander?" He looked a bit shocked at his own voice and Hamilton could tell who this was, Burr, he spoke with the same air and dips as he did. His voice had changed, now deeper than before; more fitting for him but that was his own opinion.

Alexander decided to try his own luck with talking. "Burr is that you?" His own voice had changed, a bit higher in tone, had less of a flow and more of a bite to it now but he didn't care. Aaron latched onto that, he could tell this was Hamilton but he could barely recognize him. The man he saw looked of Latino decent, olive skin and long black hair that went down to his shoulders. Intelligent brown eyes and a short yet fairly well built figure. He had a slightly convex nose and stubble all around his mouth. He was wearing a green coat with the same colour pants and black boots.

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