Chapter 14~ Cars and Stars

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Still on the edge of adding someone else to the story so to get out of the depressing mood last chapter had, here's a little less heartache 😊 (Above is the same type of car Evelyn has as well as myself)

It was early that morning when there was a knock at the door.

Evelyn and the girls were trying to keep Angelica from killing Burr after an argument that broke out over sacrifice. Burr had only said that he wished he had sacrificed a little less in his political career and just hadn't shot Hamilton when Angelica heard him and responded with it being his own goddamn fault he got butthurt over loosing to Jefferson. This escalated when Aaron tried to take it back with Angelica calling him a "Back-talking coward who couldn't stand on his own feet even if he wanted to".  Burr decided he was feeling risky that day and said "At least I had decency and stayed true to my wife, oh wait, you let your brother-in-law do it." "Are you blaming me for his actions?" "No, not at all Mrs. Church, I'm saying that you didn't try hard enough to even keep him around his wife by taking his kids and leaving him with her. Then the entire mess could've been avoided." "....... Would you repeat that?"

Shit went down from there.

Eventually Angelica started to cool down but still felt a burning anger toward him. Eliza was mad too but only because 1. He brought up the thing we don't talk about anymore and 2. That it was actually a pretty good solution and she felt bad she didn't think of it then but it was still Alexander's fault he did what he did so there was little sympathy there. Burr started to regret his actions and went to apologize but Angie would hear none of it. "Do you have a death wish?" 

He found that watching a show about ridiculous brides and their demands with Lafayette and Hercules was much better than going toe to toe with the woman that slapped Thomas Jefferson so hard he was scared of her to the point he would avoid any gathering she would be at. 

He really needed to get out of the house but after his first time out in.... about two hundred years, he was nervous about what he might encounter that he had no knowledge of. Everyone had been given the liberty to go online but with some restrictions for..... reasons. (Alexander what are you- OMG CLOSE IT CLOSE IT CLOSE IT AAAAAA-) Alex had been on it ever since it he was granted access and had yet to get off with Washington watching over him. He was given the okay to be internet supervisor to make sure the incident never happened again. Burr just needed some space and time away from the others and Hamilton's hyperactive son who seemed to run on whatever the hell Hamilton ran on that gave him the ability to not sleep and ask questions non stop, some inappropriate, all night. (They still sleep in the same room mind you)

The door knocked just as some woman was bitching about a ribbon colour and Alex and Washington discovered why you don't type "big balls" into google images and not regret it.(if you love yourself don't do it, just don't) Eve was hesitant about answering it "If this is another angel I'll just.. lose my mind." The door opened "Hola miss Hamilton, brought your car back from the shop. It should be fine now that we replaced the muffler." "Oh! Great! Thanks J.C. give your tio my thanks." "No hay problema señorita. Adios!" He gave her the keys and left for the bus stop.

 "Who was that? What did he give you? How do you know his-" "Philip, that was a friend of mine named J.C., he works at a mechanics garage, a place where cars, those things that look like high tech carriage go to get fixed, that is owned by his uncle. He gave me the keys to my car, the thing I mentioned earlier. It broke down and needed repairs so I gave it to them for a week. I know them because my dad knew their uncle, they went to school together except he lived in a neighbourhood populated by immigrants from the Caribbeans and other Spanish speaking places (Alex was about to ask something but decided to just google it) while my dad grew up around here.... that it?" "Yes, thank you." 

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