Chapter 6 ~ Bedtime Bothers

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I ship Tjeff and Jmads so much it has spread to my fanfic so be ready for fluff!

After dinner Evelyn and the sisters cleaned up, with help from some of the men of course. It was 8:56 now. They had moved to the living room, sitting on the couch and the floor. The colonials asking questions about the "new world" as Hamilton called it. Alexander asking the majority of them. She explained as much as she could, first starting off with the industrial revolution, the wars against slavery (much to Jeffersons dismay and Johns glee) , new countries being found and founded, etc, etc. They asked about certain technologies they had seen ie: her cellphone and the light fixtures. She did her best, though she left out what she couldn't explain. 

"What's the rectangle up there?" Philip had been just as vigilant at asking questions but had remained silent through most of them. He had pointed to the flat screen mounted on the wall. "Oh! That's a television. It displays moving pictures on the screen, the sound system plays the sound,  do you want to see?" Eve grabbed the remote and pointed it at the screen. Philip looked amazed. "Yes! Please!" He jumped up from where he had been sitting on the floor and sat next to her on the couch. "Alright, lets see what's on tonight." She hit a button and the T.V. sprang to life. It was on animal planet, a view of the arctic tundra was on the screen with a polar bear making its way across the landscape. They all turned and gazed in amazement "Holy.... why is that bear white?" Madison asked, it was then Eve realized that they had never seen polar bears before, or the rest of the world besides France and the Caribbean, and that was back in 1800.... hooo boy.

After a billion more questions (Alex no, I can't explain how we can reattach limbs or how electricity works right now) it was 10:43 and everyone looked tired. Washington stood "Maybe we should all get some sleep. It's been a rough day." A yawn from a tired Peggy confirmed the need for sleep. "Well, I have two guest rooms, one with two beds and two cots, and another with one more bed and another cot, afew blow up mattresses.... and I guess someone could sleep in my parents old room, the master bedroom. I kept it tidy at least." She looked down. 

Jefferson was about to open his mouth when Washington stopped him "I believe the married couple in the room should be in the master bedroom." That shut Thomas up but Alex had to protest. "Sir, with all due respect..." "No buts Alexander, you and your wife deserve your privacy, me and the boys can sleep in the other rooms." Peggy raised her hand "Where do us girls sleep then?" Evelyn responded "Well, you can sleep in my room, if I can just clean it up a bit and fit one of the mattresses in, you're okay with sleeping on the same bed as your sister right?" "Of course I can! I've slept in the bed as both of my sisters at the same time more than once." Peggy huffed. "Then it's settled. Thomas? Madison? Are you ok with this arrangement?" Madison nodded "I think so but, where will we sleep?"

The answer for that was Jefferson laying on a blowup mattress with a thick blanket in the living room while Madison was on the couch with a thin blanket. As had been said, Alexander and Eliza were in the master bedroom while Washington and the boys were in one of the spare rooms. Philip and Burr were sleeping in the same room, much to the dismay of the others, Philip on the other hand was fine with it. The Schuyler sisters were given some pyjamas courtesy of Evelyn, the boys were sleeping in their undershirts and breeches. Eve made a plan to go shopping for clothing for the boys tomorrow.

"*Sigh* I still can't believe this." Thomas said from the floor. James looked down "What? That we were given a chance to live in the future? That we get to live again?" "No, that you and I are negros." Mads let it soak in a bit. "Well, it didn't change our person, did it? Personally I'm fine with it as long as I get to live a life in the fruits of our labor." Looking up to the darkened ceiling. Thomas gave another sigh. "I know but, we... I... owned black slaves. I looked down on them as if they weren't even human. Now I am one, one of the same colour I kept as slaves on my land. I don't know how to feel, should I be disgusted? Should I rethink my outlook? What is the prejudice against negros now? I'm.... so lost.... I used to think I was above them, now I am equal to them. What should I think now? Is this punishment for looking down on them? If so.... I guess I deserve it in heaven's eyes." He sounded defeated, remorseful even.

Madison turned to the Virginian, the curly, wild hair he was now blessed with facing him. James couldn't help but feel badly, he wanted to comfort him but words failed him as to how he could give solace from his conflicting thoughts. Something in his mind was telling him 'Just go to him, he needs comfort, he needs you.'  He was reluctant to the thought, should he? Would it be too much? Well only one way to find out.

Getting up off the couch, Mads laid down and wrapped his arms around Jefferson, bringing him close into a hug. Tjeff didn't understand. "James? Why are you...?" Madison shushed him. "Shhhhh. Just shut up. I don't care if you're a negro or a white man, you are still my Jefferson. I don't think we were punished, this is just a chance for us to change our minds, start anew, a clean slate, we get to see just who they are, be a part of people who rose up against persecution and claimed their rights. I'll admit, it felt strange to know I was on the same level as them, but to hear the stories of their rise.... I can't help but feel astounded by what they could do. I'm not asking you to change now..." Thomas shifted in his arms "but I'm asking you to take a new perspective and try to forgive yourself. Even if you don't forgive yourself," he hugged him a bit tighter "I forgive you. So don't go and hate yourself for past mistakes." 

Jefferson didn't move "Madison," he turned red "Yes?" He loosened his grip on the tall mans waist "Why did you have to hug me to say those things?" Madison went beet red and let go, Jefferson started laughing "Shut up! I, it, it just felt right! Give me a break!" He went to get up but was stopped "No wait!" Madison froze "Please stay? I'd much rather prefer to sleep with someone next to me." He looked at him with pleading eyes. James rolled his eyes "Fine." He went back under the covers, Thomas grinned ear to ear. "See, this is why you are my most trusted friend! Even when you act like a preacher." Jmads face went blank, he internally face palmed 'Unbelievable.' " Just get some sleep Thomas, we've had enough of a day." He turned away from his friend, ready to drift off. "Good night my dear Madison. Tomorrow is a new day." Jefferson whispered as he himself turned to sleep, feeling more at peace knowing that there was always a friend at his side.

In another bedroom, Alexander and Eliza were doing something similar. Eliza was wearing a light blue nightgown with small hearts of a similar colour in a pattern across the dress. Alex had just taken off his coat, shoes, and jabot. The bed was a queen sized one with white and blue sheets and blankets. The room itself was simple, wooden walls and a window that looked out onto the backyard which was relatively small. Alex was just gushing over everything "I can't believe anything! I mean, electricity and indoor plumbing (don't ask) and faster travel and, and, and!!" "Alexander please!" Eliza was sitting on the bed. "I'm sorry Eliza but.... it's all so incredible! To hear what the future has in store... I can't wait to see all of it!" He joined her, the bed was far more comfortable than the ones he slept on before. "Well don't get ahead of yourself Alexander, you know what happened when you..." "Can we not talk about that? Please. Let's get some sleep, tomorrow will be a new day." He and Eliza got into the bed and snuggled up to each other.... then Alex had to get up and turn off the light because it wasn't a candle that would go out on it's own. Then he snuggled with his wife, excited to see what the new world had in store for them.

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