Chapter 2~ Just my luck

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Evelyn had thought today was going to be normal. Really, she did! The day started out normally, get up, eat, do jobs, eat, prepare for audition. It was 4:54 p.m. Evelyn had recently repurposed one of the rooms in the house for preparing for auditions and just to sing and record music. It was a sound-proof room with padding all over so that no sound could enter or exit. A few outfits that were fit for 1770-1800 were on some manikins. They weren't homemade, no, she didn't trust herself with a needle for more than a minute. No, these were bona fide really from those times. How she got those clothes? The attic. No seriously! There was a trunk in her attic that held many old dresses and suits, to her excitement. She took a guess in saying that, since the clothes were close to a box of extremely long letters signed 'A.Ham' that these were clothing belonging to the one and only Alexander Hamilton.

 She decided to display some of them in her prep room/recording room. Just a few, not many. Two suits really. She decided to wear one anyway. She was going to an audition for Hamilton. Might as well look the part! If she got the part, she would be going on broadway for a year or so to perform. If not?... back to living alone with a dog, a cat, and a ferret. Not that she hated it but, it got lonely. Anyway she had to catch the five o'clock bus to get down to the audition at 5:30 and be home by around six.

She got to singing to calm her nerves. It was just what she did. The Hamilton soundtrack was imprinted into her mind because of how damn much she listened to it so, recalling a song was not a difficult task. Yes, she's Hamil-trash. "Ah, Mr. secretary, Mr. Burr! Sir, Did'ja here the news about good old General Mercer?.." ah, yes... the room where it happens, she would most certainly be in the room where it happens after this audition. She had been practising for weeks after the first posting. She had one shot at this. She was late for the other times because her car had broken down. Now the bus was her only option. This was her last chance and she was not throwing away her shot!

Heading out, she grabbed her American history book, book on Hamilton and the original musical, and a shit-ton of notes for acting. Grabbing her satchel with her wallet and keys, she exited the room singing with a smile "... I wanna be in the room where it happen....s..." it was then that she noticed twelve unknown people in her living room wearing colonial clothing. One of the men was closest to her, he wore a green suit with green pants. She and he locked eyes, he looked a lot like Lin-Manuel Miranda. In fact, all of these people looked like the original Hamilton cast just some slight differences like their height and maybe their build. There was a beat...

Then she dropped her books.

"FUCK!" She yelped, papers went flying and everyone flinched.  Some of the papers had settled on the ground and Evelyn began frantically picking them up "No, no, no, no! I spent hours making these notes!" The man closest to her bent down "Here, allow me to help." He sounded extremely like Lin. "Thanks but..." She tried to argue but "No! I insist." He wouldn't take no for an answer and she was not in the mood to fight with a celebrity look-alike who was dressed in colonial attire. 

As she picked up the papers she couldn't help but feel two things. One was the eyes of everyone in the room, the second was a feeling of.... comfort? It was really weird how it just... started up after she saw the man, like she knew who this was. A name kept coming to her mind but she didn't want to believe it, Alexander Hamilton. This is Alexander Hamilton.  To which she had to remind herself that he died over two hundred years ago. He couldn't be alive... right? 

That was when another man stepped in, he was a good foot and a half taller than her and held himself with dignity. He grabbed the paper from the first man, who was reading some of the pages and had stopped picking them up. "Sorry for the scare young miss." He spoke gently yet with a strong air to it, like her father had done years ago. "We happened to find ourselves here after some..... interesting events happened." He handed her the papers, she took them hesitantly "Thank you..." 

The first man stood up, he was taller than her by a few inches, five at the most. "Where are my manners..." well, he was going to give a name, great! Now she could finally know who they really were- "Miss, I'm Alexander Hamilton-" Okay, great, this was normal-WHAT?! She had to stop him there "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to cut you short there.... Hamilton? THE Alexander Hamilton?" He nodded. She giggled nervously "Heh, uh, no, no, you-you can't be him, he died in 1804-" "July twelfth, due to a gunshot to the ribs, I know, I lived it." Alex cut her off. She looked on in surprise, most people forget about him because it was never a big name in history. I mean... sure she knew about him but that was because she was interested in him and in history.

No, he must've just studied up to play this part "Alright then Mr. Hamilton if you really are him then you can answer questions only he would know." He looked surprised but quickly gained a defensive stance and a smirk "Alright then, let's hear it." He was kind of excited, they were going to talk about him, as a historical figure!  "First question: Alexander Hamilton was the secretary of what?" This was easy "I was the first Secretary of Treasury of our nation." He gave it confidently, Jefferson rolled his eyes. "Next one: he was what age when he died?" Again easy for him but harder for most people who barely knew him "I was forty-seven when I... passed on" Burr gave him a worried glance, Alex shared the same glance to him. "And before you asked who shot me..... it was Aaron Burr. We had been fighting for four years and he challenged me to a duel, I agreed and we met out at Weehawkin before dawn." It hurt both men but to gain her trust it had to be said. Evelyn looked more shocked, that little voice came back, slightly louder this time. She had one more question but.... should she ask it?... Yes, she had to, if she was ever to be sure of who they really were.

"Last question: on his wedding night, Alexander Hamilton sent a letter, inviting someone to have a threesome with him and his wife...." Everyone looked to Alexander. His face went red and donned a blank expression. Why, WHy, WHY OH GOD WHY DID THEY HAVE TO FIND THAT LETTER?! "Who was that person?" He stood still, rigid even. Does he say who and suffer the consequences or not and loose her trust? He was about to start saying 'no one' when John yelled "John Laurens! He sent a letter to me!" Alex looked mortified, Jefferson started laughing, everyone just stared, and John smirked. "Yes... yes I sent a letter to John...." he looked down at the floor then back to Evelyn "Now do you believe us?"

She couldn't even believe it... barely anyone she knew had knowledge of John Laurens, let alone the affair he had with Alexander Hamilton. The only few people who would know about were.... but they...... the voice came back, louder than before... "M-Mr. Hamilton? Sir?" She said, voice shaking. He stood taller, a more kind smile replacing the frown "At your service Miss?.." She jumped "Oh! Uh, um, how-how do I say this um... hi! My n-name is Evelyn Alexandria Hamilton." She said, her voice changing in volume as she talked from high to low. The colonials looked shocked, Alexandria Hamilton? She was the descendant of Alexander's? What?!

Just as they were about to ask more questions Evelyn looked to the clock, 5:09. She panicked "AHH! MY BUS! I CANT MISS MY BUS!" She bolted past the group, flung open the door and ran out. Alexander followed after her "Wait! I need to ask you some questions!" Eliza followed alongside him "Alexander, wait!" Washington ran after the both of them "Mrs. Hamilton! Son! Hold on!"

She ran towards the bus stop just as the last person got on and the doors closed. "NO! WAIT!" As it started driving away she sped up only to smack her face on the bus stop sign as it drove off. She hit the ground and was knocked unconscious. Hamilton saw this and ran to her side "Evelyn? Evelyn wake up!" She didn't even stir. Eliza and George caught up "Is she alright? Eliza was worried. Washington walked over and picked her up bridal style "We need to get her inside. She has to recover, besides, we don't even know where we are." They looked up to see giant grey towers shooting up from the ground. Lights and noises were coming from the area. They turned back and walked to the house, now even more clueless than before.

Whelp, chapter two done! Yay!

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