Hidden Love (Klaine, BadBoy!Blaine)

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I do not own glee

Chapter 1

             Kurt made his way down the crowded hallway of McKinley High, to his locker. He tried to avoid the bullies, but it never worked. The familiar sea of letterman jackets came toward him. Kurt stopped in his tracks. "Sup Fag." Korofsky teased as he shoved Kurt into the near by lockers. Kurt held back his tears. "Princess break a nail?" Azimio taunted. Kurt looked away. The two boys laughed and threw Kurt's books to the ground, and walked away. Kurt leaned down and gathered his books quickly in his arms. The bell rang and signaled that class was starting. As Kurt turned the hall to his next class he saw a curly head of hair walking towards him. As the person got closer Kurt could see that he had the most gorgeous hazel brown eyes, and charming smile.

"Um, exscuse me I am kind of lost could you help me find my classroom?" The boy asked. Kurt stared into his eyes and forgot how to speak. "Do you not speak english?" He asked.

"What!?" Kurt answered once he regained his senses.

"I can't find my class could you help me?" The boy asked again.

"Oh yeah, sure. Where are you going?" Kurt asked the mysterious boy.

"Um, spanish with Mr. Schue." The boy told him.

"Oh, thats where I am going I'll walk with you." Kurt told him, with a smile.

"Great, thanks. Um, I didn't catch your name." The boy remarked.

"Oh how rude of me, I'm Kurt." He told him."Whats yours?"

"My names Blaine." He replied with a smile. Kurt smiled back and they headed to their class.

The two boys entered the classroom and sat down in the two open seats in the back. Kurt pulled his books out of his satchel and places them on the desk. Kurt glanced at Blaine and saw that he had a black leather jacket and ripped up jeans on. Blaine really was'nt Kurts type but Kurt was attracted to him. "Stop Kurt he probably is'nt even gay, and even if he was he would'nt be into you like that." Kurt thought to him self. They sat in silence as they waited for Mr.Schue. Kurt thought he should try to get a conversation going. " So where are you from?" Kurt asked Blaine. 

"I'm from Westervile." Blaine answered. "I came here because my dad had to move his job location."

"Oh." Kurt replied awkwardly. Kurt looked up and saw that Blaine was staring at him with a little smile on his face. Kurt blushed a shade of light pink.

"You're cute when you blush." Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear. Kurt blushed a darker shade of pink. 

"Did he just call me cute?" Kurt asked himself. 

"Okay, Hola class." Mr. Schue said as he walked into the class room. The sound of his teachers voice distracted him from his thoughts and made his focus on spanish. "We have a new student joining us, Blaine Anderson." Mr.schue told the class, and then got straight to the lesson.Through out the class Kurt tried to concitrate, but Blaine kept on stroking his ankles with his feet. Also Blaine would tap his pencil on the table. Finally the bell rang letting them know that class was over. All of the kids grabbed their books and quickly headed out of the class. Kurt put his books into his bag. "Blaine, Kurt could you please stay for a second?" Mr.Schue asked them. Kurt nodded and walked up to his desk with Blaine following behind him. "Blaine I've noticed that you were not paying attention and you looked kind of lost. Have you ever taken spanish before?"Mr.Schue asked Blaine. 

"No, I've only taken Italian.' Blaine told his teacher. 

"Okay well Kurt is really good with Spanish so maybe he could tutor you." Mr.Schue suggested. Blaine let a little smile sneek onto his lips , as did Kurt. "Is that okay with you Kurt?" Mr.Shue asked.

"Yeah, I would be happy to help." Kurt told him. 

"Great!" You two are free to go." Mr.Schue told them. The two boys nodded and headed out of the class. 

"So, when should we have our first tutoring session?" Kurt asked Blaine

"Um, tomorrow is good for me sexy." Blaine answered.

Kurt shot Blaine a very shoked look. "Did he really just call me sexy? No he is probably just trying to mess with you." Kurt thought to him self. "Um, yeah. Tomorrow is good." Kurt responded.

"Okay I'll come to you place tomorrow." Blaine told Kurt.

"Okay, see you later, Blaine." Kurt said. 

"Bye." Blaine said and slapped Kurt's ass as Kurt turned away. 

Kurt blushed a dark shade of red and looked over his shoulder and saw Blaine walking down the hall.

Hidden Love (Klaine, BadBoy!Blaine)Where stories live. Discover now