Chapter 4

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I woke up feeling something or rather someone moving between my legs. In my sleepy state I couldn't place what was happening. It felt like something wet and soft was moving between my legs.  I instantly threw the blanket away to investigate the scene.

What I saw was made my head spin.

Evan was shirtless leaning between my legs making long, deep strokes with his tongue right on my most feminine parts. How did he managed to remove my panties without waking me up?

He rose to look me straight in the eye. Resting his weight on his hands he leaned closer to me until I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Ah! You are awake. Did you like the wake up call?" It took me a full minute to realise he was referring to the events of the previous day when I overslept and ran late to work.

Evan had a fair share of craziness in him and I was an idiot to love him for that.

"Will you be late again, Rose?" His hand travelled towards my thigh. I was speechless.

My heartbeat quickened when he stopped and gave the flesh a firm squeeze. I hissed.

"Will you?" The tone held a certain warning.


"Good girl. I'm gonna take a shower now, don't fall asleep again." He pressed his lips against me and left me bewildered.

A moment passer and Evan peeked through the bathroom door. "Shower with me."

His body was bare of any clothing. I saw him in all his masculine glory. Oh he was delicious!

A mischievous smirk was still present on his face.

"Umm..I don't think that's a good idea. We're going to be late." Evan had aroused me and left me desperate. There was no way I could be with him and not want to jump his bones.

"Don't think so much. It's just a shower unless you have ideas in your brain."

Evan was acting strange lately. There weren't much instances when he flirted with me. I didn't know how to respond to him but thought I should seize the moment with him. 

Once I reach up to him he firmly clasped my hand and walked us in the shower. Inside, he unbuttoned my shirt and it fell around my legs. I loved that his eyes never left mine. We both were simply standing there unmoving. Finally, he stepped back putting a little distance between us. I instantly missed him.

When I next saw him, Evan's eyes were dark and filled with pure lust. He never hid how he felt about my body. My own eyes had been travelling his chiseled perfection.

No matter how many times we had been naked before each other, the attraction for each other's body was never lost.

His lips were on me so swiftly, I lost balance but both of his hands held me in place. He tried to deepen the kiss but I was aware we did not have time for this. Evan had an important deal to close today. So I stopped him.

"Evan.. " That was all I could say. I feared what his reaction would be. Never in the two years of our marriage had I been able to refuse his advances and Evan seldom took no for an answer.

But he read my mind and stepped back.

Then leaned forward again to turn the shower on. The hot water drenched us both but what I really needed was a splash of cold water to cool off both of us.

"Let me do your hair." Before I could respond, he reached for my shampoo. He poured it over his palm and lathered it on my hair and massaged it through my scalp. A fresh lavender scent spread around me. His fingers ran freely through my hair. I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of his fingers. He was done when I opened my eyes. He took it upon himself to lather me up with soap. I had no doubts he did so to use it as an excuse to touch me. My face heated up. 

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