Chapter 15

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NOTE: Re-readers, you may remember this chapter differently and some may not remember it at all and that is okay. I've edited this chapter heavily so earlier comments may not make sense and everything will feel different. I request you to enjoy this chapter as a fresh one. 

As the workweek drew to a close, my coworker Adrian appeared at my desk. We often got along well. Together with Claire, we decided to try out the newly opened Mexican restaurant just a block away. I indulged in three delectable tacos, while Adrian ambitiously ordered six. Claire opted for a burrito roll. Adrian's relentless humor had us doubled over in laughter, tears welling up in my eyes and my stomach aching from his fun personality.

Seeing Claire's radiant smile and carefree demeanor brought me joy. She was grappling with her situation with Sam, and the recent departure of Ron, her baby-daddy, had left her devastated. Her morning had been a whirlwind of emotions, but Adrian's humor provided a much-needed respite.

We returned to our desks five minutes before the lunch hour concluded, and I found a note with Evan's unmistakable handwriting, accompanied by a bouquet of vibrant red roses. A smile spread across my face as I took a moment to appreciate the sweet fragrance of the roses.

Miss you,

Yours E

I knew he was eating in and working through lunch, but I was happy to know that even in his busy schedule, he found time to write a note for me and think of me. I picked up the desk phone and called him. He answered on the second ring.

"Hi," I paused, hearing him let out a deep breath, "I saw your note. I missed you too." He made a sound, and I imagined him leaning back in his chair and smiling to himself.

"Did you get my flowers?" He asked, his voice warm and purring.

"Yes, I did. They're lovely." He knew I loved flowers, and they always made me smile.

"Good, I hope they made you think of me."

"I always think of you." There was no lie in what I said. He was always on my mind, body, and soul.

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