Chapter 19

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"It's a shame you always attract the best ones without them realizing what they're getting into," Mark said, settling into the seat across from me.

"That woman has the hots for you," he commented. My ego inflated instantly. Yes! My Rose was crazy about me.

"Too bad she isn't your type."

"And what exactly is my type?" I queried.

"I know you enjoy challenges, but she's innocent. A single sweet word from you, and she'll probably drop to her knees for you."

"Is that what you were attempting? I noticed you flirting with her." I felt an urge to punch Mark for speaking to my Rose. She was mine alone. No man could ever capture her attention, her smile, her love. Only I had that privilege.

"I tried to flirt, but she isn't my type either. She has an air of innocence about her. But I wouldn't mind a good time if she's up for it," Mark chuckled.

I saw red. How dare he entertain thoughts about my Rose? She wasn't someone else's to touch. She was mine. He would never get to touch her. No other man could possess her. Her stunning body was mine. Mine to touch, mine to fuck.

My knuckles were gripping the armrest of my chair so tightly that they were almost white. The urge to knock him out cold was strong, but I held myself. "Anyway, I'm not going to stick around for long. I do plan to get laid tonight. I hope you don't mind me fooling around with your employees." I rolled my eyes calming down. Better someone else than my wife. Not that I didn't trust Rose to know better than to entertain some other guy, but I knew Mark enough to know he was a playboy much like me before I met my wife.

I was glad those days were behind me. "Maybe you should stop bouncing around so much and find someone you are compatible with.

"That's why you don't get laid often. The last time you came to Miami you couldn't even get a woman," I didn't mention to Mark that I was there recently with my wife, "and I remember how you spent your time running away from them. You wouldn't even look their way." He was right about that except for the first part. I wasn't interested in another woman because I was a married man now. I had a sexy wife who kept me happy and was all I ever needed. The thoughts of another woman had never crossed my mind ever since Rose came into my mind. Mark was free to conclude as he pleased.

"I can't imagine not being able to make love to all those beautiful women." He leaned back and gazed outside. Not too long I used to be like him. Single and reckless.

"Make love? You've got to be kidding me. If they didn't like what I offer them, they wouldn't be coming back for more." I had fun in my bachelor days. Meaningless sex was something I had grown used to but what I had now was more precious than anything else.

Miami had many beautiful women, but I had my Rose now. I didn't even look at any of them. The whole time I kept on thinking about ways to get back home and be close to my Rose.

"Let's talk about why you're here." I changed the topic to distract myself from the thoughts of my wife. The more I thought about her, the more I felt myself wanting her. The sooner Mark left, the faster I'd be able to get to my wife and have my wicked way with her.

"Alright let's get to business."

Mark and I had ventured into the hotel construction business a little over a year ago. Given my limited time, Mark took charge of overseeing the progress of the work, periodically reporting back to me. So far, our venture had been profitable worldwide, and I had faith in Mark's capabilities.

Mark informed me about an accident at one of our sites. I promptly provided a solution and instructed him to address it as soon as possible to prevent the situation from escalating.

During a moment of silence, Mark spoke up, "Did you hear that Hailey got divorced from her husband?" I had been hearing about this for the past few days and frankly, I didn't care whether she was divorced or not.

"You aren't going to say anything?" Mark inquired when I didn't respond.

"What do you want me to do? She brought this upon herself. It was her decision to leave. She didn't want what I was offering her. She cheated on me with him. I have no sympathy for her." I admitted a part of me was somewhat satisfied to see that karma had got to her but another part of me didn't really care for her beyond that.

My thoughts drifted back to the times when I used to date Hailey Goldstein. She was a stunning woman, which was one of the reasons I was attracted to her. But after what she did to me, I didn't even want to see her face. Once, she had meant something to me. But not anymore. Now, I had my wife, my Rose, who I knew would never cheat on me. In a way I was glad the way things had unfolded for me.

"I'll leave now. Gotta get laid tonight. See you tomorrow." Mark left, and I returned to my work.

Once I was done, my thoughts returned to my wife. What would she be doing now? Was she thinking about me like I was thinking about her, or was she busy with work? I knew I had dumped a lot of my work on her. Like a good employee, she handled everything well. Rose never complained. Before I knew it, I was speed dialing her. The call went to her voicemail after about thirty seconds of ringing. It was strange; she never missed my calls. I tried again, but she didn't answer.

Why wasn't she answering my calls? Panic swelled up in me. She wasn't at her desk either.

Harry picked up the call on the third ring. "Mr. Carter."

"Where is Rose? Is she with you?" I asked.

There was a moment of hesitation on his part, and that told me something was wrong.

"Just tell me where she is?" My voice was hard and cold. I didn't care if anyone heard me. All I wanted was to know where my wife was.

"Mr. Carter, Miss Jacobs has gone out for a coffee." He replied.

"Why isn't she answering my call? Is she in any danger?" She had never done this before.

"I'm sorry Mr. Carter, but Miss Jacobs isn't alone, she is out with someone you know." He answered. Did I know that person? Who could it be? Maybe Claire, yes, it had to be her. Rose had mentioned having a fondness for Claire's child. Maybe she was with them. I felt a bit relieved.

"You mean Claire, right?" I asked just to make sure.

There was a moment of silence before Harry answered. "No, Mr. Carter. It's not Claire. Miss Jacobs is out with Mr. Johnson."

Fucking Mark!

. . .

Oh no! Looks like Rose is in trouble. Tell me what do you think Evan will do now?

While you wait for Chapter 20 head to my profile and read my latest book Dangerous Illusion.

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