Chapter 25

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Double update today because I realised that these chapters were very short and you lovely readers deserve more. Enjoy!

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The rush hour's hustle and bustle were a typical scene. I held coffee in one hand and my handbag in the other. Just as I was about to step into the elevator, someone pushed me. I managed to steady myself and the cup.

"I'm really sorry," a male voice said. When I looked up, I saw Mark's smiling figure.

"Fate seems to have plans for us, Rosaline. We bump into each other again," he said, crossing his arms.

I didn't respond but silently entered the elevator. He followed. I was upset with him for his presumptions about me. After learning about his intentions, I decided to distance myself from him. I vowed never to go out with him again.

"Do you enjoy working here?" he asked. I ignored him.

"Are you avoiding me?" he queried.

"If I'm not answering, it means I don't want to talk to you," I replied without looking at him. The elevator stopped on the first floor, and two men entered.

"Ouch! What did I do to deserve this cold treatment? I thought we were fine when you left the coffee shop. I haven't seen you since that day. What's the matter?" I thought about the past few days. So much had happened, but I couldn't tell him. So, I chose the next best option: silence.

"Alright, so I have to work hard to earn your voice," he said when I remained silent.

"Mark, you're a friend of my boss. You're a good man, but I think we should be friends. I'm sorry for that day. But none of this would have happened if you hadn't hidden your true intentions from me."

"What are my true intentions?" he leaned back and inquired.

"I'm not that type of woman, Mr. Johnson."

The elevator pinged, signaling my floor. He stepped out with me, and the sight we were met with made us both halt.


He watched us closely but said nothing. Both men seemed to be having a staring contest. I could feel the anger radiating off Evan. On the other hand, Mark looked at Evan with a mocking smile. No one ever dared to look Evan in the eyes. But Mark, with his devilish smile, was purely mocking him. I could see Evan's hands ball into fist at his sides.

"M...Mr. Carter, Mr. Johnson was coming to meet you," I intervened, successfully grabbing his attention. His anger faded away as he looked at me, and his eyes softened. I smiled brightly for him.

"I have a meeting within fifteen minutes. Be quick," he said, walking away from us.

They could solve their issues, but I had to get back to work.

An hour passed but I barely noticed. I was barely outside Evan's office when Mark stormed out angrily. He didn't say a word to me but just stomped off. I wondered what had transpired between them.

I knocked on Evan's door, and he let me in. I half expected him to be fuming with anger. But he was relaxing, his head back on the chair. He looked exhausted, and it wasn't even noon yet. He was never tired during the day.

"My head fucking hurts," he groaned, still closing his eyes.

"How about a massage. Your headache will disappear in moments," I offered. No matter what happened, I couldn't bear to see my husband in pain. I'd do anything to alleviate his discomfort.

"It's okay. It'll get better," he said dismissively. But I knew that he was genuinely stressed about something. So, I stood behind his chair and massaged his temples. He protested a bit but eventually relaxed and let out a satisfied sigh.

"You're my angel, Rose," he muttered. I smiled. For a while, I let myself believe that.

Suddenly, he pulled my palm towards his mouth and kissed my hand. Turning towards me, he met my lips and kissed me.

"I'm sorry, I can't..." His eyes went wide.

"It's okay, I know, I shouldn't have," there was a recognition in them. I could tell from his face that he was ashamed. I was grateful that he understood that I needed time to mend my wounded heart.

"I'm such a bad husband, huh?" he said out of nowhere.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, frustrated.

"I had one job: to make you happy, and I couldn't even do that. You deserve all the happiness in the world, but with me, all you've got is pain. Why don't you just leave me? Maybe you'll find..."

"I love you. No matter what happens, you are and will be the only one for me. I will never leave you. Don't you ever talk about it again. Do you understand that?" He took me by my hand and brought me in front of him, only to make me sit on his lap. I draped my arm over his shoulder. His other hand was fixed onto my hip, holding me firm. A ghost of a smile formed on his lips. But even then, I knew my husband, period.

"I won't ever let you leave me, even if you want. I'm far too obsessed with you to let you go. You are mine," I leaned onto him, knowing all too well he meant what he said.

When it was time, I took my belongings and made my way out of his office.

Evan's moods were highly sensitive. At one moment, he was so sweet, and the next moment, he would be angry. One moment, he was the powerful business mogul, and the next moment, he could be like a lost, broken child.

He didn't know love and it was then I realised why he'd reacted the way he did about the child.

My heart ached for the three-year-old boy inside him whose mother had left him. No mother would do that unless she was forced to do so. There was more to it than it appeared to be. Would he be different if his mother had still been with us? There was a part of him that still longed to have his mother beside him. He never told me, but a couple of times, I had seen him secretly staring at the picture of his mother with shiny eyes. He wouldn't let me bring up the topic. He'd say that he didn't care about her, but I could see that he still loved his mother and longed for her.

I wanted him to open up to me. I wanted him to share his sorrow with me. I couldn't bring back his mother, but I could comfort him. Each time he'd feel like he needed support, I'd be there for him. That's all I ever wanted. I was his only family, but it didn't have to remain this way. There was room for more.

My thoughts came to a halt when I crashed into someone. Words of apology spilled from my mouth immediately.

"I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking where..." My words died down the moment I saw who it was. It was as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown on me.


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Oh she is back! 

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