Chapter 31

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I wept in solitude, with no one to blame but myself. It was a little after seven when the doorman informed me that Mr. Carter was here to see me. For a fleeting moment, I thought Evan had returned. I descended the stairs and, through the security camera I saw a man who was not my husband, yet held a special place in my heart.

"Jake?" I queried.

"Hey!" He entered and embraced me warmly.

"What brings you here? Shouldn't you be at the venue?" It took me a moment to fully appreciate just how charming he looked. I could see the good Carter genes in his handsome face.

"You're coming with me. No excuses!" He warned, his face stern and unyielding. He was as stubborn as his brother, but he didn't understand me the way Evan did.

"I wish I could but you know your brother. He won't like me to be with the family."

"I'm not taking no for an answer. Get your ass back to your room and come back quickly. I'm not leaving unless you are with me."


I stood beside Jake's car, watching guests stream into the hotel. Men and women, dressed elegantly, made their way inside. I was clad in a black evening gown, my hair was styled in a half updo. A tear drop shaped diamond adorned my throat. The cool wind brushed against my bare arms, making me shiver. I regretted not bringing a shawl.

"Let's get you inside," Jake suggested, and I smiled at him. I had agreed to accompany him, but the prospect of being there filled me with worry. My husband was going to be furious but it was something I expected and somehow wanted too.

I wasn't going to hide just because he wanted me to. I was tired of being the meek little wife.

There was no turning back now.

I followed Jake inside, my gaze fixed on the floor. I prayed for strength and courage to face the night.

"Oww! I'm so sorry." I collided with someone. Thankfully, I didn't fall. A pair of arms slid around my waist and steadied me. I had my eyes shut but opened them eventually to see who it was.



"Rose, are you alright?" I straightened myself.

"I'm fine. Thank you," I replied politely.

"You look stunning. I was hoping we'd meet again. I'm glad we met here," he complimented, smiling warmly at me. I returned the smile and thanked him for his kind words.

"Can I escort you in? I'll be honored to have you by my side and before you decline, I know Evan's in there but he isn't with you right now. I'm sure he won't mind."

I pondered for a moment. I knew that being seen with another man would infuriate Evan. But deep inside, I was curious to see his reaction. Initially, I was scared, but now I was eager to gauge his response.

"In that case, I'd be delighted to have you escort me." He flashed me a grin and offered me his arm.

The hall was brimming with renowned celebrities and corporate elites. I felt insignificant amidst them. They exuded confidence and elegance, while I felt vulnerable. I was merely a small-town girl aspiring to belong to this society. I also noticed Evan had lied about the party being only limited to family.

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