Chapter 26

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Hailey Goldstein was tall and an exceptionally beautiful woman with a slender waist and long tanned legs that stretched for miles in her short black dress. Her caramel brown hair was pulled up in a classy loose bun. Her facial features were just as defined and beautiful. The woman was extremely gorgeous. She looked like the supermodel she was. She was also my husband's ex-girlfriend.

"Hi, I'm here to see Evan." Her throaty voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I pointed to the right in my daze. She was about to head in that direction when my mind came back to its senses.

"Excuse me! You can't go in there. Do you have an appointment?" I asked, remembering my assistant duties.

Besides what business did my husband's ex-girlfriend have with him?

"Appointment? Do you know who I am?" She snapped, "I don't need an appointment to meet Evan. Now get away from my path. I don't have time to deal with you." She sized me up with a rude expression. I couldn't see her eyes because she had covered them with shades, but I knew she was glaring at me with disgust.

"Mr. Carter is with the investors right now. I can't let anyone disturb him. You can wait until he finishes, and I'll ask him if he wishes to meet you." I pointed towards the waiting area, but she simply looked annoyed.

"Listen whoever you are, I don't need your permission to meet Evan. Just tell him I'm here, and he'll let me in." This scene gave me a sense of déjà vu with me stopping her from barging into Evan's office. Back then Evan used to date her, and I was no more than a dutiful secretary to my boss. I doubted she even remembered who I was.

The thought of them seeing each other again after more than three years was making me uncomfortable. Hailey had left him to marry a British business tycoon. Then why was she here now? Would Evan be happy to see her? I knew their relationship ended when she cheated on him but I wondered if there were any lingering feelings in their minds.

"I'll let you know about it . . ." Evan's steps faltered as he stepped out of his office with an elderly gentleman dressed. He didn't give out any reaction but simply strode past us. They shook hands and Evan led him to the elevator. When the doors closed, he turned back to find both of us staring at him like hawks.

A slight frown formed between his eyebrows. His posture was rigid as he came towards us. I was about to open my mouth, but he beat me to it.

"Hailey, what are you doing here?" There was a calm neutrality in his tone. Hailey on the other hand brightened up having his attention on her.

"You look even more handsome than the last time I saw you, love." She stepped forward and grabbed his arm with perfectly manicured fingers. Jealousy crawled its way up my heart burning everything on its way. I could only see his back, but I imagined him smiling warmly at her with a look he only reserved for me. "How are you?" she asked flashing a megawatt smile at him.

"I'm wiser now." He replied curtly.

"I can't tell you how much I missed you. I could never forget those strong arms around me. I've been meaning to meet you for a long time now." The mention of their intimate moments wasn't unnoticed by me. I was aware that Evan had been previously intimate with her while they dated. Still, it didn't stop me from turning green with envy.

"I figured you would." He ignored everything but the last statement. "I heard what happened." Evan's answer snatched the smile off her face. Her red-coated lips twisted into a sad smile. I didn't know what Evan was talking about, but it was something sensitive to her. Hailey's head darted to look at me over his shoulder.

I was aware that I was intruding on their conversation by standing next to them awkwardly. I should've moved away, but how could I?

Evan turned following her gaze. Then he spoke, "Rose, hold my calls until I say otherwise."

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