Chapter 36

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The office cafeteria was buzzing with laughter and chatter. It was Friday evening, and my colleagues and I had decided to play a game of truth or dare. I thought it was silly but enjoyed being a part of the fun. I was both excited and nervous. The game had been fun so far, with harmless dares and amusing truths. But then, it was Adrian's turn.

Adrian, a charming colleague of mine, was dared to kiss a female colleague. His eyes met mine, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. "I choose her," he said, pointing at me. A wave of surprise washed over me.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I was met with a series of boos and comments about not being fun. Even if I wasn't already married, I thought it was inappropriate for someone to just kiss me.

My heart pounded in my chest as Adrian got closer. I leaned back and away but he held me by the arms and dipped his head. "No, please I'm not..."

Just as Adrian was about to close the distance between us, he was abruptly shoved away from me. He stumbled in his steps, and I took the opportunity to escape only to meet with the scowling face of Evan. He had been watching the game from a distance, unbeknownst to us. His eyes were fixed on Adrian, a clear warning in his gaze.

"Stay the fuck away from her." Evan warned with a dangerous evenness in his voice.

Adrian immediately backed off, his face turning a shade of red. "I'm sorry" he stammered an apology towards my husband, not me. The room fell silent, the earlier jovial atmosphere replaced by an awkward tension.

My husband walked over to us, his expression stern. "This is an office, not a college dorm. Remember to maintain professionalism," he said, his voice firm but not unkind. He then turned to me, his eyes softening. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

I nodded, grateful for his intervention. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

The scowl on his face softened for a moment and I felt at ease. Evan entwined our hands to the surprise of everyone present into the cafeteria including mine. But I couldn't look at anyone else. He was sending a message to everyone who saw us that I was his and his alone.

People quickly scattered away and I didn't blame them, I was scared of Evan sometimes too especially when he was mad.

"In my office, now Rose." He ordered on his way out. I followed him like a duckling after its mother not knowing what comes next.

"Evan, I'm so sorry, I should've pulled away sooner. I just froze but I ...."

He shut me up with his lips by pressing them against me in a stern order. He was demanding, possessive and commanding me to yield to his passion. How could I not? Evan gripped me by the waist and pulled me into him not letting go of his lips from mine. By the time we pulled away I could barely register where we were and what we were doing. A handful employees were present around us who witnessed me making out with our boss. Horrified, I stepped back.

The next moment Evan was dragging me into his office and shutting the door behind us.

"What was that?" I asked once my heart had stopped pounding.

"I was erasing his touch away." The words were said with loathing and aggression. I shuddered to think of what might have happened if Adrian had successfully managed to kiss me. Just thinking about his mouth near mine creeped me out.

"I should've broken his fucking face. Damn it, Rose! I want to lay my fist into him."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

He frowned, "Why are you apologizing for that sleaze?"

"I'm not. I feel bad for hurting you." I knew how much it hurt when other women would give him the eyes and felt the jealousy clawing its way into my heart. And because I felt the need to justify myself, I repeated, "I froze. I said no but he wouldn't listen and...." and I was too cowardly to take a firm stance for myself.

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